
HTTP Level Functional Testing Library
javascript nodeunit http test functional


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A HTTP level functional testing library using nodejs and nodeunit.

  1. Declaratively set request properties including headers and cookies.
  2. Easily send form-encoded data, JSON, or plain text.
  3. Use predefined evaluators to set expectations on the response.
  4. Use JSON-Schema to validate JSON.
  5. Write custom evaluators to do more advanced processing and validation.

Suggested uses:

  1. Testing REST API end-points.
  2. Functional testing of the application layer.
  3. Automated smoke tests.
  4. Probers.


$ npm install falkor
$ npm test falkor


The main interface in Falkor is falkor.fetch. It returns a nodeunit compatible function with extra methods hanging off it that can be used to define behavior and set expectations.

To create test cases simply write a nodeunit test file and use falkor to define test methods, e.g.:

var falkor = require('falkor')

exports.testGoogle = falkor.fetch('http://google.com')
    .expectHeader('Location', 'http://www.google.com/')
    .dump() // Not necessary, but useful for debugging.

Then to run the tests you can either use nodeunit or the test runner included with falkor. The falkor test runner is new as of v1.2.0, the main difference being that tests will be run in parallel.

nodeunit mytest.js
node_modules/.bin/falkor mytest.js

See the examples folder for a few other examples.


Head on over to the wiki to see what changed between NPM package versions.


As mentioned about the primary way to use Falkor is via the falkor.fetch method. If you do nothing else the URL will be fetched via a GET request when the test is run. The test will pass -- regardless of HTTP response -- unless there is a network level failure.

You build up the test by specifying extra information about how the request should be made and then by defining expectations for the response. If the actual response deviates from expectations the tests will fail.

Configuring the request


Sets the base URL from which other URLs are resolved. This still allows you to specify absolute URLs in specific test methods but relative URLs will be resolved accordingly.


Sets the base path for where schemas should be resolved from. e.g. to avoid having to specify path.join(__dirname, 'some-schema.json') repeatedly.


Specifies the HTTP method to use when making the request.

.withHeader(name, value)

Sets a HTTP request header. Can be called multiple times to set multiple headers.


Short-cut for setting the Content-Type header of the request. Note, that on its own this doesn't change how the request payload will be sent. See withPayload, withFormEncodedPayload and withJsonPayload.

.withCookie(name, value)

Helper for setting the cookie header. Can be called multiple times to set multiple cookies.


Specifies the request payload. It can be either a Buffer or a string. Strings are assumed to be UTF-8. The payload will be sent regardless of HTTP method. The Content-Length header will also be set accordingly.


Sets the request payload to be a form-encoded string based on the keys/values in the passed in object. This method will also set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


Sets the request payload to be a JSON string. This method will also set the Content-Type header to application/json.


Sets the timeout for the request, in milliseconds.

Setting expectations


Fails the test if the response doesn't have a specific status code.

.expectHeader(name, value)

Fails the test if the response doesn't have a header with a specific value. Can be specified multiple times.

.expectContentType(contentType, opt_charset)

Shortcut for asserting the content type matches.


Shortcut for expectHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain').


Shortcut for expectHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html').


Shortcut for expectHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json').


Same as expectHtml but expects the charset to be set as well, defaults to wanting UTF-8.


Same as expectJson but expects the charset to be set as well, defaults to wanting UTF-8.


Fails the test if the response body doesn't match the provided regular expression.


Fails the test if the response body does match the provided regular expression.


Fails the test if the response body doesn't begin with the provided XSSI prefix. The prefix will also be stripped before the response body is parsed as JSON.


Adds a JSON schema (or an array of JSON schema) to be used later by $ref links in validateJson(). Every schema added using this method needs to have an id property.


Validates the response body against a JSON schema. The validator is taken from the Chromium project and implements a subset of the official spec. See the file header in lib/json-schema/json-schema.js for exact details on what is supported.


Adds an evaluator function that will be executed against the response. The evaluator is passed the nodeunit test object, which can be used for executing assertions, and the response object.

Use this method if none of the built in evaluators do quite what you want.

For example:

exports.testBBC = falkor.fetch('http://www.bbc.co.uk')
    .evaluate(function (test, res) {
      test.notEqual(res.headers['date'].substr(0, 3), 'Fri', 'This evaluator fails on Friday.')


Adds an evaluator function that will be executed against the response body if it is valid JSON. The evaluator is passed the nodeunit test object, which can be used for executing assertions, and the JSON object parsed from the body of the response.

This evaluator firsts removes the XSSI prefix, if configured, and parses the response body as JSON. If parsing fails the test case will be flagged as a failure.

This evaluator is intended for inspecting the JSON content of a response. If you are interested in only checking the structure of the JSON, to ensure it is in the right format, it is recommended that you use the schema-based validation, see .addJsonSchema(schemaPath) and .validateJson(schemaPath).

For example:

exports.testJsonContent = falkor.fetch('https://api.github.com/repos/Medium/falkor')
    .evaluateWithJsonBody(function (test, json) {
      test.equals(json.open_issues_count, 0, 'This evaluator fails if we have work to do.')

Other things


then allows you to chain together multiple requests. For example, the first request might PUT a resource, and then the second request might GET that resource to make sure it was written.

then is inspired by, and compatible with, the API for Q


exports.testVote = falkor.fetch('http://mysite.com/some-article/vote')
    .then(function (voteResponse) {
      return Q.delay(100) // wait 100 milliseconds
    .then(function () {
      return falkor.fetch('http://mysite.com/some-article/')
    .then(function (getResponse) {
      // Assert something about the http://mysite.com/some-article/ response.

The callback passed to then can return one of three possible types:

  • If the callback returns a falkor TestCase, the chain will run the TestCase, wait for it to complete, then pass the response object to the next then callback.

  • If the callback returns a Q promise, then chain will wait for the promise to complete, then pass the resolved value to the next then callback.

  • If the callback returns anything else, it will just be passed to the next callback in the chain.

Notably, then does not have any sort of error-handling mechanism (like Q's then), because all errors are handled by Falkor.


Logs out information about the request and response to the console. Depending on what you are requesting this can be quite noisy. It is recommended you use it for debugging only. By default doesn't log response body.

.setAsserter() and .done()

By default, Falkor test cases are nodeunit-compatible functions.

In some cases, you might want to provide your own assertion object. It should implement all the methods of the NodeJS assert API and a done method.

The best way is to construct and run a TestCase directly. setAsserter populates the assertion object. done kicks off the request, waits until the assertions finish, then calls customAsserter.done().

new falkor.TestCase(url)
    .expectBodyMatches(/fish and chips/)


deprecated in favor of options#withBaseUrl

Sets the base URL from which other URLs are resolved. This still allows you to specify absolute URLs in specific test methods but relative URLs will be resolved accordingly.


deprecated in favor of options#withRootSchemaPath

Sets the base path for where schemas should be resolved from. e.g. to avoid having to specify path.join(__dirname, 'some-schema.json') repeatedly.


A Test Template allows you to set up a set of configuration options and expectations that can then be shared by multiple test cases. Instead of calling falkor.fetch(url) to generate a test case you call template.fetch(url) and the test case will inherit options from the template.


var formTest = falkor.newTestTemplate()

exports.testFormRequiresLogin_noCookies = formTest.fetch('/form')

exports.testFormRequiresLogin_withCookies = formTest.fetch('/form')
    .withCookie('auth_token', 'abce114f')

You can clone() test templates to create other templates.

var formTestWithHeaderAuth = formTest.clone()
    .withHeader('Auth-Header', '1234')

exports.testFormRequiresLogin_authHeader = formTestWithHeaderAuth.fetch('/form')

And you can mixin() multiple test templates to build composite test cases:

exports.testOtherForm = falkor.fetch('/other/form')
    .withHeader('X-Form', '1234')

Node unit quick reference

Especially helpful if you are writing your own evaluator functions or asserter:

ok(value, [message]) - Tests if value is a true value.
equal(actual, expected, [message]) - Tests shallow ( == ).
notEqual(actual, expected, [message]) - Tests shallow ( != ).
deepEqual(actual, expected, [message]) - Tests for deep equality.
notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message]) - Tests for any deep inequality.
strictEqual(actual, expected, [message]) - Tests strict equality ( === ).
notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message]) - Tests strict non-equality ( !== ).
throws(block, [error], [message]) - Expects block to throw an error.
doesNotThrow(block, [error], [message]) - Expects block not to throw an error.
ifError(value) - Tests if value is not a false value, throws if it is a true value.
done() - Marks the test complete.


Falkor unit tests of course use nodeunit and can be found in tests/falkor_test.js. Nock is used to mock out the HTTP requests.

$ npm test # or
$ nodeunit tests/falkor_test.js


Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Submit them at the project on GitHub. If you haven't contributed to an Obvious project before please head over to the Open Source Project and fill out an OCLA (it should be pretty painless).

Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests.


Dan Pupius (personal website), supported by The Obvious Corporation.


Copyright 2012 The Obvious Corporation.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the top-level file LICENSE.txt and (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Dan Pupius
  • released 10/1/2012

