
The `extractoor` package is designed to help the interaction with the [Extractoor smart contracts library](https://github.com/LimeChain/extractoor-contracts) in order to verify information about the state of certain rollup inside its anchored L1. It is pa


The extractoor package is designed to help the interaction with the Extractoor smart contracts library in order to verify information about the state of certain rollup inside its anchored L1. It is part of the ongoing effort of LimeLabs and LimeChain to give back and contribute to the blockchain community in the form of open source tooling and public goods infrastructure.


npm install extractoor

Using the SDK

See the example directory for examples of various use cases.


Extractor Client for ethereum. Uses the fetch API in order to trigger RPC requests for Ethereum networks. Mainly used for getting blocks by number and getting proofs for given storage slot.


Extractoor Client for Optimism Bedrock. Exposes method for generating the output root data for a given L1 block by number - generateLatestOutputData. Instantiating the client can be as simple as:

import { OptimismExtractoorClient, BASE_GOERLI_CONFIG } from 'extractoor'

const fetcher = new OptimismExtractoorClient({YourL2RPC}, {YourL1RPC}, {YourConfig});
// const fetcher = new OptimismExtractoorClient(process.env.BASE_GOERLI_RPC_URL, process.env.GOERLI_RPC_URL, BASE_GOERLI_CONFIG);

Two default configs are available at te moment OPTIMISM_GOERLI_CONFIG and BASE_GOERLI_CONFIG. You can connect to a another OptimismBedrock rollup by providing config conforming to the OptimismNetworkConfig interface. Example:

import { OptimismExtractoorClient, OptimismNetworkConfig } from 'extractoor'

const customConfig: OptimismNetworkConfig =  = {
    L2WithdrawalContractAddress: "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000016",
    OutputOracleAddress: "0xE6Dfba0953616Bacab0c9A8ecb3a9BBa77FC15c0",
    OutputOracleL2OutputPosition: 3

const fetcher = new OptimismExtractoorClient(process.env.CUSTOM_BEDROCK_RPC, process.env.L1_RPC, customConfig);


Pull requests welcome. The project is built via tsdx. In order to run the compilation in watch mode use

yarn start

To build a distribution version use

yarn build

The tests can be run via

yarn test


Various runnable examples can be found in the example directory. Refer to its README for their usage and how to run them.

Getting the necessary data for OptimismInbox message receive

import { BN, bufferToHex, keccak, setLengthLeft, toBuffer, unpadBuffer } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { MPTProofsEncoder, OptimismExtractoorClient, OPTIMISM_GOERLI_CONFIG } from 'extractoor'
const dotenv = require('dotenv');

// Inputs
const blockNum = 8529353; // The L1 block number we will be proving contains the Optimism state
const targetAccount = "0xcA7B05255F52C700AE25C278DdB03C02459F7AE8"; // The account inside Optimism we are proving for
const arrayDefinitionPosition = 0; // Definition position of the array inside the solidity contract
const indexInTheArray = 1; // The index of the element you are looking for

// Step 1 - Derive the storage slot from the array definition and index of the array
const arrayDefinitionHash = keccak(setLengthLeft(toBuffer(arrayDefinitionPosition), 32));
const arrayDefinitionBN = new BN(arrayDefinitionHash);
const indexBN = new BN(indexInTheArray);
const slotBN = arrayDefinitionBN.add(indexBN);
const slot = `0x${slotBN.toString("hex")}`

const fetcher = new OptimismExtractoorClient(process.env.OPTIMISM_GOERLI_RPC_URL, process.env.GOERLI_RPC_URL, OPTIMISM_GOERLI_CONFIG);

// Step 2 - Get all the information needed for the Optimism Output Root inclusion inside L1 proof
const output = await fetcher.generateLatestOutputData(`0x${blockNum.toString(16)}`);

// Step 3 - Get all the information needed for the Merkle inclusion proof inside Optimism
const getProofRes = await fetcher.optimism.getProof(targetAccount, slot, bufferToHex(unpadBuffer(toBuffer(output.blockNum))));

// Step 4 - RLP encode the Proof from Step 3
const inclusionProof = MPTProofsEncoder.rlpEncodeProofs([getProofRes.accountProof, getProofRes.storageProof[0].proof]);

// Use the below as parameters to L2OptimismBedrockStateProver
console.log(blockNum, output.outputIndex, output.optimismStateRoot, output.optimismStateRoot, output.withdrawalStorageRoot, output.blockHash, output.outputRootRLPProof, slot, inclusionProof);

Local verification of eth_getProof return data

import { bufferToHex } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { MPTProofVerifier } from 'extractoor'

async function run() {
    const stateRoot = '0xf70f7bf933416dd187fc95de784e4535fa5547db1b0b9446191945bfc457bca7';
    const target = '0x058A39bEFBBA6a41e1CcBE97C3457dcc894B0fF2';
    const accountProof = [...];
    const storageSlot = '0x290decd9548b62a8d60345a988386fc84ba6bc95484008f6362f93160ef3e563';
    const storageProof = [...];

    const account = await MPTProofVerifier.verifyAccountProof(stateRoot, target, accountProof);
    console.log("Account:\n", bufferToHex(account.nonce), bufferToHex(account.balance), bufferToHex(account.stateRoot), bufferToHex(account.codeHash));

    const storageValue = await MPTProofVerifier.verifyStorageProof(bufferToHex(account.stateRoot), storageSlot, storageProof);
    console.log("Storage Value:\n", bufferToHex(Buffer.from(storageValue)))

npm i extractoor


