
Extended functionality of fs with additional q-dependent promises adaptation of fs functions
fs extended-fs recursive


Usage (node)

npm install extended-fs

Extended functionality of fs with additional q-dependent promises adaptation of fs functions.

Utilizes the q, mkdirp, and graceful-fs to implement missing features and augment existing functions.

Acts as a replacement fs for the existing fs, as it copies over existing functionality from fs. In addition to the standard functions available on node's package fs, this includes functions to support copying and removing directories recursively. Leverages the q package to introduce promise driven fs methods.


extended-fs.recurse(dir, operation, callback)

Asynchronous recursive directory walk. Operation is performed on each file and provided a signature with the filepath and stats for the triggered file operation(filepath, operation). If the supplied operation returns false, the recursion for that branch will stop. No arguments other than a possible error are given to the callback.

extended-fs.recurseSync(dir, operation)

Synchronous recursive directory walk.

extended-fs.rmDir(dir, callback)

Asynchronous recursive directory removal. No arguments other than a possible error are given to the callback.


Synchronous recursive directory removal.

extended-fs.copyFile(src, dest, callback)

Asynchronous file copy. Copies the file found at src over to the dest path, overwriting dest. No arguments other than a possible error are given to the callback.

extended-fs.copyFileSync(src, dest)

Synchronous file copy.

extended-fs.copyDir(src, dest, callback)

Asynchronous recursive directory copy. Copies all files found at the src directory, removing dest before writing. No arguments other than a possible error are given to the callback.

extended-fs.copyDirSync(src, dest, callback)

Synchronous recursive directory copy.

extended-fs.mkdirp(dir, mode, callback)

See mkdirp.

extended-fs.mkdirpSync(dir, mode)

See mkdirp.sync.

npm i extended-fs


