
Express Middleware that injects external javascript files in script tags, saving you from an additional http request!
express script tag injection injector inject middleware

This middleware was created to directly inject javascript files into <script> tags via templates rendered from the Express JS framework.


npm install express-script-injector --save


var injector = require('express-script-injector');

var options = {
    path: __dirname + '/scripts' // **required** path to your scripts folder (default: undefined)
    debug: false // *optional* Enable debugging to console  (default: false)
    script: 'index.js' //  *optional* Script to inject  (default: index.js)
    enableCache: false //  *optional* Cache previously loaded scripts to RAM  (default: false)
    useRoute: false //  *optional* If set to true, it will attempt to match the root route and load a script with the same name. (default: false)


// OR


The injector middleware will then expose the content of a js file inside req._script, so that you can render it with a template (see example below)


This example shows how it might be used with an express application using handlebars templating.

var express  = require('express'),
    exphbs   = require('express-handlebars'),
    injector = require('express-script-injector');

var app = express();

// Apply the injector middleware (note: it could also just be added to a router instead)
app.use(injector({path: __dirname + '/scripts', script: 'main.js'}));

app.engine('handlebars', exphbs({defaultLayout: 'main'}));
app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');

app.get('/', function (req, res) {

    // middleware exposes the content of the js file in req._script
    res.render('home', {injectedScript: req._script});



Then somewhere in your home.hbs file:


Router Example

    router  = require('express').Router(),
    inject = require('express-script-injector');

router.use(inject({path: __dirname + '/../scripts'}));

router.get('*', function(req, res, next) {
    try {
        res.render('index', {script: req._script});
    } catch(e) {

module.exports = router;

This outputs the js in a <script> tag with the id of "injector-" + the file name


Name Description Default
path(required!) path to your scripts folder undefined
debug Enable debugging to console false
script file to inject index.js
enableCache Cache previously loaded scripts to RAM false
useRoute Experimental: If set to true, it will attempt to match the root route and load a script with the same name. If it does not find a file, it "falls back" load the script option. false
npm i express-script-injector


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matt McFarland
  • released 6/17/2015

