
An express middleware to require headers and fail a request if they do not exist

🛑 express-require-headers 🛑

This small middleware requires certain headers to be present on a request. If the headers are not present - the request will immediately fail with a certain (default or defined) status and message.

A common usecase for this would be server-to-server integration, when one server requires certain predefined TOKEN headers to be present on every request from another server.


The middleware is created by calling the requireHeaders function, with the required headers as the first argument. Other optional arguments are: statusCode - for the status code that will be returned when a required header is not present

responseMessage - the message that will be sent with every missing header.

An error response would look like this:

      "Token": "Value 456 incorrect"


        const app = express();
        app.use(requireHeaders({Token: "123"}));

That's it! If the request will not contain a header Token with the value 123 - the request will fail.

npm i express-require-headers


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Lev Perlman
  • released 10/13/2019

