
a middleware of express, an implementation of bigpipe
express middleware bigpipe


express' bigpipe Middleware.

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##Start ####Install

npm i express-middleware-bigpipe --save

####Use in express

// express code
var bigpipe = require('express-middleware-bigpipe')

    basedir: __dirname + '/public/'



本中间件的 namespace 在 res.bigpipe 下, 所有方法都支持链式调用, 输出完成后自动触发res.end()结束请求.

The namespace of this middleware is at res.bigpipe, all methods allow chained call, it will automatically invoke res.end() to end a request when finished pipe.


直接输出, 与res.end类似, 但是不会终止请求

directly pipe a string

####pagelet(file, errHandler);

读取basedir下的file文件, 第二个参数为错误处理回调, 传入参数err

pipe the static file in opts.basedir, errHandler is a callback function to handle errors.

####render(view, renderObj, callback/* optional */);

使用模板引擎读取模板目录下模板, renderObj 为渲染的数据, callback回调采用尾触发, 传入一个参数assign, 在callback中异步获取到数据之后使用assign(obj) 将数据合并入renderObj并渲染输出.

This method use template engine to bigpipe a rendered string.

The callback function have an assign argument which is a function to assign an obj to render asynclly.


You can also use this method in the following way:

render(view, renderObj);

render(view, callback);

####done(fn);, done(str);

提前结束, 相当于 res.end , 可以传入 String 直接输出, 或者回调函数在 res.end 之前执行.

End the request immediately.

You can also pass a function or string. If it is a func, it will be called before res.end, or if it is a string, it will be passed to res.end(str).

##Quick Demo:

var app = require('express')(),
    bigpipe = require('express-middleware-bigpipe'); // import


// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.use(bigpipe({						 // use bigpipe
    basedir: __dirname + '/public/'     // 设定bigpipe的pagelet路径, set basedir

app.get("/", function(req, res){
     res.bigpipe.write("<script>alert('this is a test');</script>"); // directly pipe
     res.bigpipe.pagelet('', function(err){  //  使用 pagelet 读取 basedir 下的文件, 第二个参数为错误处理
         //this is err handle
         console.log('err', err);

     res.bigpipe.render('pagelet', {
         text: "this is a rendered data"

     }, function(assign) {
         //async coding

                 anotherData: "3000ms 后输出" // render and pipe after 3000ms
         }, 3000);

     }).render('pagelet', {
         text: "123321",
         others: "balabala"



npm test

Use mocha and supertest

By Ling created @ 2015-04-29 21:10:36

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npm i express-middleware-bigpipe


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ling.
  • released 5/24/2016

