
Create JSON API endpoints from bookshelf


ebja for short - yep this module needs a better name, that's why it's still under my username

WARNING: This is still very much a work in progress

ebja can be used to create API endpoints which:

  1. respond on express routes (act as middleware)
  2. serialise a bookshelf model as a response (even if it also does other work)
  3. use the JSONAPI format for request / responses

ebja assumes that endpoints need to be extremely customisable. It has lots of sensible defaults but tries to make everything overridable, whilst still making it very easy to return full JSONAPI-compliant responses.

Example Usage

var app = express();

var jsonapi = ebja({
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:80/api',
    models: require('./my-bookshelf-models')
var blogs = jsonapi.Resource({
  model: 'Blog'
}); = blogs.Endpoint({});



The intial usage of ebja is to setup the initial config for your API.

var jsonapi = ebja({
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:80/api',
    models: require('./my-bookshelf-models')

ebja() takes an options object with two parameters:

  • baseUrl - the url to prefix each endpoint with, for outputting in JSONAPI links
  • models - an object with model names as keys, and bookshelf models as values

Once setup, the resulting object has two methods:

  • Resource({}) - define a resource for which endpoints will be created, e.g. a Blogs resource for creating various CRUD endpoints (returns a resource)
  • Endpoint({}) - define an endpoint without first creating a resource (returns a middleware function)

Resource & Endpoint both take all the same options. A Resource has an Endpoint method which has all options passed to the resource as overridable defaults.

Resources are a convenience for packaging up options for a group of endpoints, E.g. setting the model, permissions and configuring the response across a full suite of CRUD endpoints.


Bookshelf plugin

ebja assumes you'll wire up its bookshelf plugin. This provides access to two special model methods:

  • getOne - return a single resource
  • getPage - return a collection

Both of these methods are used by ebja by default, to ensure that the JSONAPI params include, page, sort, field and filter are passed through to the model correctly and applied.*

var knex = require('knex')(dbConfig)
var Bookshelf = require('bookshelf')(knex);


* Note: the params field and filter are currently disabled by this module. The params are only utilised in GET / query type endpoints.

Endpoint "types"

ebja works on the idea that there are 3 main types of endpoint:

  • query (method: GET) - default
  • action (methods: POST, PUT or PATCH)
  • destroy (method: DELETE)

Query endpoints perform a fetch for a single object or collection with support for the JSONAPI params include, page, sort, field and filter.

Action endpoints assume there is some operation to perform, e.g. to add or update a model. These endpoints usually perform a getOne query after the operation in order to return a serialised model in JSONAPI format.

Destroy endpoints assume they are deleting a resource. They return a 204 and empty response by default on success.

By setting the method option for an endpoint, the type of endpoint can be changed.

Function "stacks" (apiware)

For each type of endpoint (query, action, destroy) ebja has a stack of functions, much like middleware, that it will execute (see the Stacks listing below for details). Some stack functions have default behaviour, some are noops intended to be overridden with custom behaviour, e.g. permissions. These functions are referred to as apiware.

Calling Endpoint() results in a function which can be called as express middleware. When called as middleware, the http req and res parameters are converted into transport-agnostic APIRequest and APIResponse objects. The apiware functions operate the same as express middleware, with the APIRequest and APIResponse object being past to each in turn, and each function calling next() to continue.

For example, for a destroy endpoint there are just 2 apiware functions in the stack: permissions() (a noop) and destroy(). All 3 types of endpoint have a permissions() function just before the main operation. This function can be overridden by passing a function as a permission option to the Endpoint or Resource. All stack functions can be overridden in the same way.


var usersRead = jsonapi.Endpoint({
    method: 'GET', // this is the default
    queryMethod: 'getOne', // this is the default
    model: 'User',
    permissions: function (apiReq, apiRes, next) {
      // If the id parameter in the url ( matches the authenticated user (
      if ( === {
          // We're safe to continue because we are allowed access to this resource
          return next();

      // Else, we have no permission to continue
      return next(new Error('NoPermissionError');


  • method (default: GET) the HTTP method of the endpoint
  • queryMethod (default: getOne) the method to call on the model in the query apiware (query & action endpoints)
  • actionMethod (default: noop) the method to call on the model in the action apiware (action endpoints only)
  • destroyMethod (default: destroy) the method to call on the model in the destroy apiware (destroy endpoints only)
  • relations array of relations that the endpoint can include
  • defaultSort the default sort order
  • <apiwarename> all apiware functions can be overridden by providing a function with the same name to the options
  • response an object containing options for configuring the response


Query (default)

  • validate (noop)
  • paramsData
  • paramsInclude
  • paramsPage
  • paramsFilter
  • paramsFields
  • paramsSort
  • permissions (noop)
  • query (main operation)
  • process (noop)
  • format


  • validate (noop)
  • payload
  • permissions (noop)
  • action (main operation)
  • query (secondary operation)
  • process (noop)
  • format


  • permissions (noop)
  • destroy (main operation)
npm i express-bookshelf-jsonapi


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Hannah Wolfe
  • released 7/16/2018
