
Stripe billing middleware for Express.


npm version

An Express (4.0+) middleware for rendering billing pages to your users, directly connected to Stripe.

Designed for MongoDB.

Requires Bootstrap 4 (CSS + JS), jQuery, and Open Iconic on your client side.

The goal is to be a drop-in module for handling and managing Stripe subscriptions.

Show your users a status of their subscriptions, a list of invoices, and allow them to manage their subscriptions and cards on their own.


  • Upgrade popups
  • List of recent invoices to download
  • Support SCA (3D secure)
  • Display alert in case of payment failure
  • List active subscription plans
  • Add/remove/select credit cards
  • Support trials (with credit card)
  • Button to self cancel subscriptions
  • Support coupons in the URL
  • Autogenerated pricing

Who uses it?

Nucleus ElioPay Backery

👋 Want to be listed there? Contact me.


  • req.user must contain a valid user object

  • In your Mongoose model, your users should have a plan attribute (if you offer plans) and a stripe object:

let UserSchema = {
    plan: String,
    stripe: {
        subscriptionId: String,
        subscriptionStatus: String,
        customerId: String,
        subscriptionItems: []


Install the library

npm install express-billing-block

Server code:

app.use('/billing', require('express-billing-block')({
    mongoUser: db.User, // A direct access to your Mongoose database User
    secretKey: "sk_live_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    publicKey: "pk_live_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    upgradable: true, // If you offer a product based on plans, will offer a popup to upgrade plans
    accountPath: '/account', // So the redirects don't fail
    allowNoUpgrade: true, // Allow to stay on the free plan
    sendMail: (subject, text, email) => {
        // Send a mail with the library of your choice
        // For upgrades and cancellations emails
    onSubscriptionChange: (user) => {
        // Called when the subscription of an user changed
        // When he upgrades, cancels, or finishes trial

        console.log('Subscription status: ' + user.stripe.subscriptionStatus)
        console.log('The user is on this plan: ' + user.plan)
    plans: [{
        name: 'Hobby',
        id: 'hobby',
        order: 1,
        stripeId: 'plan_xxxxxxxxxxxxx', // Id of your plan on Stripe
        price: 12,
        features: [{
            title: '200 daily active users' 
        }, { 
            title: '1 year data retention'
        }, {
            title: '3 apps'
        }, { 
            title: 'Priority support'
    }, {
        name: 'Pro',
        id: 'pro',
        order: 2,
        stripeId: 'plan_xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        price: 29,
        features: [{
            title: '10000 daily active users'
        }, { 
            title: 'Unlimited data retention'
        }, { 
            title: '10 apps'
        }, { 
            title: 'High priority support'

Simple client code example (jQuery & bootstrap.js are required):

<h1>Your subscription</h1>
<div id='billingSection'></div>

<script src='/billing/billing.js'></script>


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • released 12/12/2019

