
WebdriverIO Assertion Library
expect-webdriverio expect webdriverio wdio

expect-webdriverio Test

API | TypeScript / JS Autocomplete | Examples | Extending Matchers

WebdriverIO Assertion library inspired by expect

Key Features

  • waits for expectation to succeed
  • detailed error messages
  • works in Mocha, Cucumber, Jest, Jasmine
  • builtin types for TypeScript and JS autocompletion


  1. npm install expect (Jasmine and Jest users should skip this step)
  2. npm install expect-webdriverio

NOTE: WebdriverIO v9.0.0 or higher is required!


Using WebdriverIO Testrunner

If you run your tests through the WDIO testrunner no additional setup is needed. WebdriverIO initialises expect-webdriverio and makes expect available in the global scope. So you can use it directly in your tests:

const $button = await $('button')
await expect($button).toBeDisplayed()

See more Examples

Using in a standalone script

If you embed WebdriverIO in a standalone script, make sure you import expect-webdriverio before you use it anywhere.

import { remote } from 'webdriverio'
import { expect } from 'expect-webdriverio'

;(async () => {
    const browser = await remote({
        capabilities: {
            browserName: 'chrome'

    await browser.url('https://webdriver.io')

    const $button = await browser.$('button')
    await expect($button).toBeDisplayed()
    await browser.deleteSession()


Please see API doc

Error messages

Error messages are informative out of the box and contain:

  • full element selector, like $('form').$('input')
  • actual and expected values
  • highlight the difference (texts assertions)

toHaveText toHaveElementClass

What's next?

First of all, feel free to raise an issue with your suggestions or help with PR!


  • css matcher
  • size matcher
  • cookie / localStorage matchers?
  • text regex matchers
  • multiremote support (if requested)


  • MIT
  • >=16 || >=18 || >=20
  • Mykola Grybyk
  • released 2/9/2024
