
This module serves as a helper to expose the current execution environment.


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This module serves as a helper to expose the current execution environment by reading NODE_ENV environment variable.


$ npm install execution-environment --save

Example usage

When writing a module, you may want to add conditional logic based on the execution environment. By default, the module sets default values for the dev, test and prod environments:

Default Values

  1. isDev: ['dev', 'development']
  2. isTest: ['test']
  3. isProd: ['prod', 'production']
var environment = require('environment');

var Ajax = {
  get: function(method, path, params) {
    if (environment.isTest()) {
      throw new Error('Attempted to make a network call in the test environment. Shame!');

    fetch(method, path, params);

module.exports = Ajax;

When Ajax#get is executed in the test environment (defined by setting NODE_ENV=test), environment.isTest() will return true.

Additionally, custom environments and values can be registered on the environment module using registerEnvironments. The following code will register staging and canary environments, which will look for ['staging', 'stg'] and ['canary'] NODE_ENV values, respectively. Code that modifies the environment keys and values should live in a setup or config file rather modules that are require environment.

var environment = require('environment');

  staging: ['staging', 'stg'],
  canary: ['canary']

Usage with custom environments

var environment = require('environment');

var Tracking = {
  trackEvent: function(name, category, payload) {
    if (environment.staging() || environment.canary()) {

    trackEsp(name, category, payload);

module.exports = Tracking;
npm i execution-environment


  • Apache-2.0
  • Whatever
  • Wealthfront Engineering
  • released 9/3/2019
