
Easier calculation and formatting of Ethereum values
ethereum value formatting decimal bignumber bn


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Easier calculation and formatting of Ethereum values.

  • Supports floating point numbers
  • Easily convert between Wei, Gwei and Eth
  • Output binary, decimal and hexadecimal strings
  • Output fixed-precision floating-point values (toFixed())
  • Parse and generate BN.js instances
  • Uses decimal.js under the hood


  • NPM/Yarn: ethval

Example Usage

You can feed it BN.js instances returned from web3:

const EthVal = require('ethval')

const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(account) // returns BN.js instance

// assume balance is 20000000000000000 wei (=0.02eth)

console.log( new EthVal(balance).toEth().mul(2).toFixed(2) ) // "0.04"

Use it calculate the Wei/Gwei/Eth equivalent of a given value:

const v = new EthVal('1.234', 'eth')

console.log( b.toGwei().toString() ) // "1234000000"

You can also output hex and binary strings:

const v = new EthVal(255)

console.log( b.toString(16) ) // "0xff"
console.log( b.toString(2) ) // "11111111"

Basic arithmetic supported fully:

const v = new EthVal(255)
const b = await web3.eth.getBalance('0x...') // assume balance is 100 wei

console.log( v.div(5).add(b).mul(2).sub(2).toString(16) ) // 0x12c (= 300 in base-10)

Comparisons too:

const { toBN } = require('web3-utils')

const v = new EthVal(255)
const v2 = new EthVal('0.2', 'eth')

console.log( ) // false
console.log( ) // true
console.log( v.lte(toBN('0xFFFF')) ) // true

It also ensures units are aligned when performing operations:

const v = new EthVal(25500)
const v2 = new EthVal('0.2', 'eth')

console.log( ) // true
console.log( v.add(v2).toString() ) // "200000000000025500"
console.log( v2.add(v).toString() ) // "0.2000000000000255"


new EthVal(input, unit = 'wei')

Constructs a new EthVal instance.

  • input - can be a Number, a string (in base-10 or base-16/hex format), another EthVal instance, or a BN instance.
  • unit - must be one of eth, gwei or wei (default).


Convert the value to its Wei equivalent and return a new EthVal instance.


Convert the value to its Gwei equivalent and return a new EthVal instance.


Convert the value to its Eth equivalent and return a new EthVal instance.


Add input to this value and return a new EthVal instance.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Subtract input from this value and return a new EthVal instance.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Multiply input with this value and return a new EthVal instance.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Divide this value by input and return a new EthVal instance.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Round this value to the nearest integer (i.e 0 decimal places) and return a new EthVal instance.


Get whether this value equals input. Returns true or false.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Get whether this value is less than input. Returns true or false.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Get whether this value is less than or equal to input. Returns true or false.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Get whether this value is greater than input. Returns true or false.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Get whether this value is greater than or equal to input. Returns true or false.

  • input - same as for the EthVal constructor


Return string representation of this value according to the given number base. For example, if base is 2 then a binary string representation is returned, if 16 then a hexadecimal string representation is returned.

  • base - either 2, 16 or 10.


Return base-10 Number representation of this value.


Return base-10 decimal-point representation of this value to the given precision.

  • precision - maximum no. of numbers after the decimal point.


Whether the current unit is wei.


Whether the current unit is gwei.


Whether the current unit is eth.

Dev guide

  • Install deps: npm i
  • Tests: npm test
  • Tests with coverage: npm run test:coverage
  • Build final lib: npm run build
  • Lint: npm run lint



npm i ethval


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ramesh Nair
  • released 8/2/2020

