
Smart contract mocking library


doppelgänger /ˈdɒp(ə)lˌɡaŋə,ˈdɒp(ə)lˌɡɛŋə/ - an apparition or double of a living person

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Library for mocking smart contract dependencies during unit testing.


To start using with npm, type:

npm i -D ethereum-doppelganger

or with Yarn:

yarn add --dev ethereum-doppelganger

Doppelganger is currently developed to work with ethers-js exclusively. Support for other framework will be added in a future version.


Create a instance of Doppelganger providing the ABI/interface of the smart contract you want to mock:

import Doppelganger from 'ethereum-doppelganger';


const doppelganger = new Doppelganger(abi);

Deploy a instance of the Doppelganger smart contract:

await doppelganger.deploy(wallet);

Doppelganger can now be passed into other contracts by using the address attribute.

Return values for mocked functions can be set using:

await doppelganger.<nameOfMethod>.returns(<value>)


Below example illustrates how Doppelganger can be used to test the very simple AmIRichAlready contract.

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract AmIRichAlready {
    IERC20 private tokenContract;
    address private wallet;
    uint private constant RICHNESS = 1000000 * 10 ** 18;

    constructor (IERC20 _tokenContract) public {
        tokenContract = _tokenContract;
        wallet = msg.sender;

    function check() public view returns(bool) {
        uint balance = tokenContract.balanceOf(wallet);
        return balance > RICHNESS;

We are mostly interested in the tokenContract.balanceOf call. Doppelganger will be used to mock exactly this call with values that are significant for the return of the check() method.

import chai, {expect} from 'chai';
import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';
import ethers from 'ethers';
import {createMockProvider, deployContract, getWallets} from 'ethereum-waffle';
import Doppelganger from 'ethereum-doppelganger';

import IERC20 from '../../build/IERC20';
import AmIRichAlready from '../../build/AmIRichAlready';


describe('Am I Rich Already?', () => {
  let provider; // connector to the ethereum network - in our case a Ganache instance 
  let user; // the account issuing interactions on the network
  let contract; // an instance of the AmIRichAlready contract
  let doppelganger; // an instance of doppelganger for the ERC20 token we want to observe

  before(async () => {
    provider = createMockProvider(); 
    [user] = await getWallets(provider);

  beforeEach(async () => {
    doppelganger = new Doppelganger(IERC20.interface); // say doppelganger what it should pretend to be
    await doppelganger.deploy(user); // deploy the doppelganger to the chain
    contract = await deployContract(user, AmIRichAlready, [doppelganger.address]); // deploy the contract under test to the chain

  describe('check method', () => {
    it('returns false if the wallet has less then 1000000 DAI', async () => {
      await doppelganger.balanceOf.returns(ethers.utils.parseEther('999999')); // configure doppelganger to return 999999 when balanceOf is called
      await expect(contract.check());

    it('returns false if the wallet has exactly 1000000 DAI', async () => {
      await doppelganger.balanceOf.returns(ethers.utils.parseEther('1000000')); // subsequent calls override the previous config
      await expect(contract.check());

    it('returns true if the wallet has more then 1000000 DAI', async () => {
      await doppelganger.balanceOf.returns(ethers.utils.parseEther('1000001'));
      await expect(contract.check());
npm i ethereum-doppelganger


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Antoni Kedracki
  • released 6/14/2019

