
Websocket based communication protocol

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A websocket based communication protocol.


npm install especial


const especial = require('especial')

const app = especial()

app.handle('', (data, send, next) => {

const server = app.listen(4000, () => {
  console.log(`Listening on port 4000`)


const EspecialClient = require('especial/client')

const client = new EspecialClient('ws://localhost:4000')
const { data, message, status } = await client.send('')

console.log(message) // "pong"


Especial communicates across websockets using JSON encoded payloads. Clients emit a payload with a unique id and the server is expected to respond with a single message with the same id.


Requests are structured like this:

  "_rid": "jki7uo9XsOEJkel3PrF_T",
  "route": "",
  "data": {}

The fields are as follows:

  • _rid: A unique identifier for the request
  • route: A string indicating the function to execute
  • data: An object containing arbitrary data for the function


Responses are structured like this:

  "_rid": "jki7uo9XsOEJkel3PrF_T",
  "route": "",
  "data": {},
  "message": "pong",
  "status": 0
  • _rid: The same _rid emitted in the matching request
  • route: The route requested
  • data: Arbitrary data returned from the function
  • message: String info about function execution
  • status: Integer representing execution result, 0 indicates success


In addition to simple request/response communication servers may send data to clients without a request being made. This can be used to update data or provide new information.

The structure of such a message is the same as a response, with the _rid being a simple string the client may subscribe to.



constructor(url, WebSocket): Create a new Especial client

  • url, a websocket url to connect to
  • WebSocket, the websocket implementation, defaults to the global WebSocket variable

connect(options): Promise<void>: Connect to the server, resolves upon success, rejects once the number of retries has been exceeded. This promise may be pending for a long time depending on retry settings.

  • options: An object specifying how reconnects should be performed
  • options.retries: How many times to retry before aborting (default: 3)
  • options.reconnect: Whether failed connections should automatically try to reconnect (default: true)
  • options.retryWait: How long to wait between retry attempts in milliseconds (default: 2000)

addConnectedHandler(fn): id: Register a function that will be called when the client connects or disconnects from a server.

  • fn: A function to be called (no arguments are passed)
  • id: The function returns a handler id that can be used to remove the handler

clearConnectedHandler(id): void: Unregister a connection listener function.

  • id: A handler id from addConnectedHandler.

send(route, data): Promise<Response>: Send a message to the server.

  • route: A string route to call on the server
  • data: An optional object to pass to the server. This data must be JSON serializable
  • returns: Returns a payload structured like the following:
  _rid: "jki7uo9XsOEJkel3PrF_T", // the request identifier
  route: "", // the requested route
  data: {}, // any data sent from the server
  message: "", // a response string (defaults to 'Success' or 'Failure')
  status: 0 // a response status, 0 indicates success

disconnect(): Disconnect from a server and cancel any pending retry requests.

listen(_rid, fn): string: Listen to a custom request id. This can be used for asymmetric communication (e.g. subscribing to server events)

  • _rid: A string to listen to. Any requests emitted from the server with this _rid will cause fn to be executed
  • fn: A function to call when a message with _rid is received. This function is called with a response payload as the only argument
  • returns: Returns a listener id that can be used to clear the listener

clearListener(_rid, listenerId): Clear a route listener.

  • _rid: The route identifier to clear
  • listenerId: The listener id to clear


constructor(): Create a new Especial app.

listen(port, cb): Start a websocket server listening on the specified port.

  • port: The port the server should listen on
  • cb: A callback function to be executed when the server starts. Any error will be passed as the first argument

use(match, fn): Register a middleware function to be used for a set of routes.

  • match: Either a string or regular expression used to determine if the middleware should be executed for a route. If it's a string routes are exactly matched
  • fn: A middleware function to be executed for a route

handle(route, ...handlers): Register functions to be called for a given route.

  • route: A string route to register handlers for. Wildcards are not supported, the route is directly matched during requests
  • handlers: One or more functions to be executed in series for a route

broadcast(_rid, _message, _data): Broadcast a message to all connected clients.

  • _rid: The route id to use for the broadcast
  • _message: The string message to be sent in the payload
  • _data: JSON serializable data to be sent in the payload

broadcastOne(_rid, _message, _data, ws): Broadcast a message to a specific client.

  • _rid: The route id to use for the broadcast
  • _message: The string message to be sent in the payload
  • _data: JSON serializable data to be sent in the payload
  • ws: The websocket for the client that should receive the broadcast


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Chance Hudson
  • released 8/1/2020

