
Write templates with embedded JavaScript expressions
babel imports literals lits parses parsing resolves resolving sugars and 4 more...


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ESLit lets you write templates with embedded JavaScript expressions.

npm install eslit --save-dev

ESLit templates are easy to use because they’re powered by web standards. Content is read as Template Literals with automatically resolving Promises.

<!-- some/template.html -->
  ${ => `<tr>
const eslit = require('eslit');

eslit('some/template', {
  heading: Promise.resolve('Guest List'),
  people: [{
    given: 'Martin',
    family: 'Brody'
  }, {
    given: 'Bruce',
    family: 'Shark'
<h1>Guest List</h1>

You can also use import functions to include other templates.


  ${import('./some/table') /* includes some/table.html */}

Alternatively, the include function lets you specify additional data.


  ${import('./some/table', { additional: 'data' })}


ESLit returns a Promise to render content once its embedded Promises are resolved.

eslit(src, data, options);
  • src: the path or package id being imported.
  • data: the data used by the template.
  • Options
    • cwd: the path used by imports (default: process.cwd()).
    • prefixes: the file prefixes sometimes used by imports (default: [ "_" ]).
    • extensions: the file extensions sometimes used by imports (default: [ ".html", ".jsx" ]).
    • globopts: the options passed into node-glob.


  • Paths are relative to the current file or the current working directory.
  • Paths may use glob patterns or omit prefixes and extensions
  • Node modules are supported, using the package template or main keys, or by using index.html


The parse function returns a promise to render the template string once its embedded promises are resolved.

eslit.parse( string, data, { cwd, prefixes, extensions, globopts } );

string: The string parsed as a template.


The resolve function returns a Promise that is resolved once its embedded promises have resolved.

eslit.resolve`Template literal to be ${Promise.resolve('resolved')}`;

Syntax Helpers

Sublime Text
  1. Install the Babel Package.
  2. Select Tools > Developer > New Syntax.
  3. Paste this syntax.
  4. Save the file as Lit Template (Babel).sublime-syntax.
npm i eslit


  • CC0-1.0
  • >=6.0.0
  • Jonathan Neal
  • released 2/10/2019

