
ESLint plugin to help manage Enzyme renderer API deprecation
eslint eslintplugin eslint-plugin progress-tracker


A custom ESLint plugin that detects and warns about using render APIs of Enzyme (shallow/mount). If you are using React in your project and want to switch to a future-proof solution for rendering components in your tests (e.g., React Testing Library), you might find this plugin useful. eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation plugin helps developers that require some way of preventing of writing a new code using these APIs as well as tracking their progress of migration from Enzyme to the library of your choice. You can find more details about migration strategies and plugin implementation details in this article.


You'll first need to install ESLint:

$ npm i eslint --save-dev

Next, install eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation --save-dev

Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g flag) then you must also install eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation globally.


Linting with no tracking

Add enzyme-deprecation to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can specify the rules you want to use under the rules section.

  "plugins": ["enzyme-deprecation"],
  "rules": {
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-shallow": 2,
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-mount": 2

Linting with tracking

Option 1: Define separate ESLint config for migration


module.exports = {
  parser: "<your-parser>",
  extends: ["plugin:enzyme-deprecation/recommended"],
  env: {
    browser: true,
  rules: {
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-shallow": 2,
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-mount": 2,

And in your package.json define command:

"track:migration": "NODE_ENV=development eslint --no-eslintrc  --config .eslintrc.migration.js -f node_modules/eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation/lib/formatter --ext .test.jsx src/"

You can also configure display value format via environment variable:

"track:migration": "EDP_VALUE_FORMAT=<format> NODE_ENV=development eslint --no-eslintrc  --config .eslintrc.migration.js -f node_modules/eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation/lib/formatter --ext .test.jsx src",

Supported formats:

  • absolute-value
  • percentage

Option 2: Using Node.js API

You can find an example here (see npm run demo command in package.json to see how to run it).

Additional configuration

Enzyme API is defined implicitly in global scope

If you assign Enzyme API to global scope at test initialization stage:

global.shallow = require("enzyme").shallow;

you might want to pass additional configuration to ESLint rules:

  "plugins": ["enzyme-deprecation"],
  "rules": {
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-shallow": [2, { "implicitlyGlobal": true }],
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-mount": [2, { "implicitlyGlobal": true }]

Code has custom implementation built on top of Enzyme API

If you are using Redux, then most likely you have some custom shallowWithState method in your package that automatically wraps the component under test into Redux store provider. In this case, you may want to enhance rule to search for this custom API.


  "plugins": ["enzyme-deprecation"],
  "rules": {
    "enzyme-deprecation/no-shallow": [2, { "resolveAs": [{
        "name": "shallowWithState",
        "sources" ["^@testUtils"]
    }] }],

sources option is used to determine the source of the import of identifier with name name is an (import <name> from '<source>'). It takes both RegExp and plain-text strings.

Supported Rules

  • enzyme-deprecation/no-shallow: warns when using Enzyme's shallow API
  • enzyme-deprecation/no-mount: warns when using Enzyme's mount API
npm i eslint-plugin-enzyme-deprecation


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Ildar Sharafeev
  • released 3/3/2023

