
Zumata's ESLint Shareable Config
eslint eslintconfig config zumata javascript styleguide


This package provides Airbnb's .eslintrc as an extensible shared config specifically for Zumata's Node.js modules.


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Use case

This ESLint config file does not aim to reinvent the wheel to suit our internal purpose in Zumata when writing a Node.js module. It basically extends and modifies the widely known Airbnb's Javascript style guide by not including dependencies such as eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y and eslint-plugin-react which are not being used in linting any of our Node.js modules so that to keep our dependencies' hierarchy clean, tidy and small as possible.



Please make sure that you have the followings installed on your machine:

  • node >= 6.9.1 (In Zumata, we internally use the latest LTS version (node:boron) for all our Node.js applications.)
  • npm >= 3.10.8 (The minimum NPM version for node:boron.)
  • eslint >= 3.8.0 (No guarantee it will work below the version specified here)
  • eslint-plugin-import >= 2.0.1 (No guarantee it will work below the version specified here)
  • eslint-plugin-optimize-regex >= 1.1.1 (No guarantee it will work below the version specified here)
  • eslint-plugin-security >= 1.3.0 (No guarantee it will work below the version specified here)
  • ESLint extension for your favorite text editor


  1. Create .eslintrc.json or .eslintrc (See Configuring ESLint) and add the following into the file:

    # Extend .eslintrc.json
      "extends": [ "zumata" ]
  2. Create .eslintignore to tell ESLint to skip linting the files inside directories. For example,

    # Ignore files to skip linting.
  3. Then install the required dependencies to start the integration.

    # Install with NPM
    $ npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-config-zumata
  4. ESLint should be up and running in your favorite text editor with all the config files needed. Enjoy #eslinting!~

About the config

Our default export contains all of our ESLint rules, including ECMAScript 6+. It requires the followings:-

See Airbnb's Javascript styleguide and the ESlint config docs for more information.


MIT License © The Zumata Team


  • MIT
  • ^6.5.0
  • motss
  • released 11/30/2016

