
ESLint configuration by wojtekmaj
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Set of default, recommended rules from:

  • ESLint itself,
  • @typescript-eslint
  • eslint-plugin-import,
  • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y,
  • eslint-plugin-react,
  • eslint-plugin-react-hooks

with a few changes and enhancements:

  • Out-of-the-box TypeScript support: @typescript-eslint/parser will parse your TypeScript files.
  • No need to install any plugins manually: All required plugins and parsers are automatically installed so you don't need to install them on your own.
  • Certain rules were overwritten (details below).
  • Certain rules from eslint-plugin-import were turned off in TypeScript files, as they are already covered by TypeScript itself.
  • React flavor assumes JSX automatic runtime is turned on.
  • Better support for vite-plugin-pwa and other Vite plugins using virtual:* imports.

This config is designed to be run alongside Prettier.


eslint-config-wojtekmaj comes in several flavors:

  • Basic - wojtekmaj
  • Node.js - wojtekmaj/node - Basic flavor + Node.js-specific rules.
  • Browser - wojtekmaj/browser - Basic flavor + Browser-specific rules.
  • React - wojtekmaj/react - Browser flavor + React-specific rules.
  • React (no automatic runtime) - wojtekmaj/react-no-automatic-runtime - Browser flavor + React-specific rules, for legacy projects with automatic runtime disabled.

Overwritten/added rules

Basic flavor

  • @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions: Changed to prefer types over interfaces.
  • @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars: ignoreRestSiblings flag set to true.
  • @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define: Set to "error".
  • import/no-named-as-default: Turned off.
  • import/no-unresolved: Kept at "error", but ignoring virtual:* imports.
  • no-self-compare``: Set to "error"`.
  • no-template-curly-in-string: Set to "warn".
  • no-unused-vars: ignoreRestSiblings flag set to true.
  • no-use-before-define: Set to "error".
  • valid-typeof: Set to "error".

Node.js flavor


Browser flavor

  • no-alert: Set to "warn".
  • no-console: Set to "warn", with the exception of files only executed internally e.g. Webpack config files.

React flavor

  • react/jsx-no-leaked-render: Set to "error".
  • react/jsx-uses-react: Turned off (assumes JSX automatic runtime is turned on).
  • react/no-array-index-key: Set to "warn".
  • react/react-in-jsx-scope: Turned off (assumes JSX automatic runtime is turned on).
  • react/no-unused-prop-types: Set to "error".


The MIT License.


Wojciech Maj Wojciech Maj
npm i eslint-config-wojtekmaj


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Wojciech Maj
  • released 4/11/2024

