
Shared ESLint configuration between my projects since it is possible
eslint shared configuration


Shared ESLint configuration between my projects since it is possible

Build Status Node.js v14 CI Code Smells


Install via npm command line tool, along with ESLint:

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-config-paazmaya

Note that the minimum ESLint version supported is 7.15.0 due to the rule configuration, but the latest usually works best.

Change the .eslintrc.json to contain the configuration for the shared configuration:

  "extends": "paazmaya"

For further details see ESLint documentation for Shareable Configs.

For example, when @babel/eslint-parser parser would be needed:

  "extends": "paazmaya",
  "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser",
  "plugins": [

The default configuration specifies global variable environments as:

env: {
  node: true,
  es6: true

The global variables themselves are defined at sindresorhus/globals.

Please note that the minimum supported version of Node.js is 14.15.0, which is the active Long Term Support (LTS) version.


"A Beginner's Guide to Open Source: The Best Advice for Making your First Contribution"

Also there is a blog post about "45 Github Issues Dos and Don’ts".

Linting is done with ESLint and can be executed with npm test. There should be no errors appearing after any JavaScript file changes.

Version history

Changes happening across different versions and upcoming changes are tracked in the file.


Copyright (c) Juga Paazmaya [email protected]

Licensed under the MIT license.

npm i eslint-config-paazmaya


  • MIT
  • >=18.12.0
  • Juga Paazmaya
  • released 11/25/2022

