
AfterShip ESLint config (modified from Airbnb)
aftership eslint


This is for node 10 or above only.

Please check legacy tags for previous version of node runtime support.

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AfterShip ESLint config (modified from eslint-config-airbnb)

following Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide commit a12dec90d173464a3fc4e4536b8c6f639fb93236

Rules that cannot be checked by ESLint (Backend only)

  • Use camelCase for files and folders if possible (exceptions could be made in some special cases)

  • Use camelCase when naming functions

  • Use PascalCase when naming class variables

  • Use camelCase when naming variables

    const name = 'John';, const emailAddress = '[email protected]';

  • Use SNAKE_UPPERCASE when naming constant variables but no need for required module

    const USER = 'John';, const DEFAULT_EMAIL = '[email protected]';

  • Use const for required module

    const fs = require('fs');

  • Use JSDoc for documentation. Guidelines Here

  • When constructing class for module.exports, create it as follows:

    'use strict';
    // Declare imports
    // Class
    class Example {
        constructor() {
        exampleFunction1() {
    module.exports = Example;

Why we choose these ESLint rules?

See here


We follow semver for the versioning strategy.

Major version indicates the eslint major version

Minor version indicates adding rules/options (more strict)

Path version indicates removing rules/options (more loose)


As we support frontend and backend project at the same time, please refer to the following guide for all optional dependencies.

on your repository:

  • If you are AfterShip member, grunt-init-node already installed it for you

  • If you are not or you want to install in the existing repository:

    1. npm install --save-dev eslint-config-aftership eslint eslint-plugin-import

    2. Keep the ^ in the package.json for eslint-config-aftership, if the project is still in development. Replace the ^ with ~ if you want to prevent new rules which may brother you in travis.

    3. Create a .eslintrc in the project root

          "extends": "aftership"

      If your repo is a React project using webpack.js, you should extends aftership/react, and install additional packages

      npm install eslint-plugin-html eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y babel-eslint eslint-import-resolver-webpack
          "extends": "aftership/react",
          "settings": {
              "import/resolver": {
                  "webpack": {
                  "config": "webpack.config.js"

      If your repo is a Vue project using webpack, you should extends aftership/vue, and install additional packages

      npm install eslint-plugin-html eslint-plugin-vue babel-eslint vue-eslint-parser eslint-import-resolver-webpack
          "extends": "aftership/vue",
          "settings": {
              "import/resolver": {
                  "webpack": {
                  "config": "webpack.config.js"
    4. Add it to npm test so that travis can test it for us, for example:


        "scripts": {
          "lint": "eslint --ext .{jsx|vue},.js ."


        - npm install
        - npm run lint

on your editor:

  1. If the repository doesn't have eslint installed, you can install it as global package

    • npm install -g eslint-config-aftership

    • Create a .eslintrc in $HOME

          "extends": "aftership"
  2. For Atom:

    • Install in terminal by apm install linter linter-eslint
    • If you want to use global eslint, Preference -> Packages -> linter-eslint -> check Use Global ESLint
  3. For PhpStorm:

    • Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> choose ECMAScript 6 for JavaScript language version
    • Preference -> Plugins -> click Browse repositories... -> search ESLint -> click Install plugin
    • Preference -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript -> Code Quality Tools -> ESLint -> check Enable
  4. For Sublime Text 3:

    • if you are using nvm, add the following script to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshenv (check which shell you are using in SYSTEM DEFAULT (not the same as terminal default) by echo $SHELL)

      if hash brew 2> /dev/null && [[ -d "$(brew --prefix nvm)" ]]; then
          export NVM_DIR="$(brew --prefix nvm)"
          export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
      if [[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ]]; then
          source "$NVM_DIR/"

      remove the corresponding nvm loading script in .bashrc or .zshrc

    • Install Package Control

    • Install SublimeLinter and SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint by Package Control

    • Restart Sublime Text 3

    • Restart computer if ESLint is not working

  5. For vim or neovim:

    • neovim is preferred over vim, as neovim can load plugin asynchronously, which highly improve performance when linting with ESLint

    • Install benekastah/neomake by any plugin manager, such as vim-plug

    • Add the following lines to ~/.vimrc (vim) or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (neovim)

      autocmd BufWrite * :Neomake
      let g:neomake_javascript_enabled_makers= ['eslint']
      " load local eslint in the project root
      " modified from
      let s:eslint_path = system('PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH && which eslint')
      let g:neomake_javascript_eslint_exe = substitute(s:eslint_path, '^\n*\s*\(.\{-}\)\n*\s*$', '\1', '')


Copyright (c) 2020 AfterShip

Licensed under the MIT license.


  • MIT
  • >= 0.12
  • AfterShip
  • released 9/30/2015
