
ESDoc plugin to transform generated HTML
esdoc plugin esdoc-plugin html


ESDoc plugin to transform generated HTML using the Cheerio API.


npm install --save-dev esdoc-plugin-transform-html


Add the esdoc-plugin-transform-html to your ESDoc config...

  "plugins": [
      "name": "esdoc-plugin-transform-html",
      "option": ...


The option property can either be an Object, String, or Array<String|Object>...

The simplest use case is to pass a String:

  "plugins": [
      "name": "esdoc-plugin-transform-html",
      "option": "./path/to/transform.js"

Where ./path/to/transform.js is a path (relative to process.cwd()) to a javascript module to load.

This javascript module should export a single function. This function will be used to transform the HTML. See the example below.

Optionally, you can pass an array of javascript modules to load:

      "name": "esdoc-plugin-transform-html",
      "option": ["./path/to/transform1.js", "./path/to/transform2.js"]

For more flexibility, you can pass an Object or Array<Object>:

  "plugins": [
      "name": "esdoc-plugin-transform-html",
      "option": [
          "includes": "manual/**/*",
          "excludes": "foo.html",
          "transforms": ["./path/to/transform1.js", "./path/to/transform2.js"]
          "includes": ["some/glob/**/*", "another/glob/*"],
          "excludes": "foo.html",
          "transforms": "./path/to/anotherTransform.js",
          "throwOnError" false

If you provide an Array, each option object within that array will be applied sequentially.

Available Options

Option Behavior Default
includes An Array<String> or String of glob patterns to include. **/*
excludes An Array<String> or String of glob patterns to exclude.
transforms An Array<String> or String of relative paths to javascript modules to load.
throwOnError If true, will raise any exceptions thrown by the transformer. If false, the exception is only logged. true

Example Transformer

 * transform function invoked by esdoc-plugin-transform-html
 * @param {Object} args
 * @param {String} args.$ - the Cheerio instance
 * @param {Object} args.config - the global esdoc config
 * @param {Object} args.options - the current options object
 * @param {String} args.fileName - the current file being processed
 * @param {String} - a convenience to check if the current fileName matches a glob pattern
 * @this {Cheerio} the Cheerio instance (interchangeable with args.$)
module.exports = function transform({ $, config, options, fileName, is }) {
  // Cheerio's interface is much like jQuery's
  // See for more details
  // we could also use `$('title')` here, if for example this function was bound to another context, or you prefer that syntax
  const $title = this('title');

  // get the title but strip off everything after `|`
  let title = $title.text().replace(/\s+\|.*/, '');

  // use the h1 for the title on manual and index pages
  if (is('manual/**/*', 'index.html')) {
    title = this('h1').text() || title;

  // replace `Index` with `SDK References` on the `indentifiers` page
  if (is('identifiers.html')) {
    title = title.replace(/^Index/, 'SDK References');

  // append the `config.title`
  title += ` | ${config.title}`;

  // update the title

  // open all external links in a new tab
  ].join(',')).attr('target', '_blank');
npm i esdoc-plugin-transform-html


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • eoneill
  • released 9/2/2017

