
This plugin lets you import [Vue single-file components][sfc] when bundling with [esbuild]. This plugin works with Vue 2.


This plugin lets you import Vue single-file components when bundling with esbuild. This plugin works with Vue 2.

Multiple Vue imports are built in parallel using Node.js' worker_threads via Piscina.


yarn add esbuild-vue

Getting started

In order to use esbuild plugins, you must use esbuild's JavaScript API, instead of the command line.

Let's assume you have a Component.vue, and a main.js that uses it somehow:

# Component.vue
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
# main.js
import Component from './Component.vue';
import Vue from 'vue';

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    render: h => h(Component),

First, install the plugin, esbuild and Vue:

yarn add esbuild-vue esbuild vue

Next, create a build script build.js:

const vuePlugin = require('esbuild-vue');

    entryPoints: ['main.js'],
    bundle: true,
    outfile: 'out.js',
    plugins: [vuePlugin()],
    define: {
        "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify("development"),

Then run it:

node build.js

Now, loading index.html should display your component in its full glory.

<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="out.js"></script>


An object containing configuration options may be passed into the plugin constructor vuePlugin. For example:

    extractCss: true,
    workers: false,
    onReadFile: path => {
        console.error("The following dependency was used:", path);

The following options are available:

  • extractCss: Output a separate file for inline <style> blocks in single-file components.
  • workers: The maximum amount of worker threads to use for compilation. By default this is 4 or the amount of CPUs available, whichever is least. (During my testing, larger amounts of threads don't provide a performance improvement.) Use false to disable multithreading.
  • onReadFile: Will be called with the (non-normalized) paths of every file read during the compilation process. For example, external files included using @import declarations in <style> blocks.
  • postcssPlugins: PostCSS plugins which will be used when compiling <style> blocks in components.
  • isAsync: By default, components are compiled using the synchronous (non-async) compiler. If you use async PostCSS plugins, you need to specify true here.
  • assembleOptions: Allows to provide custom normalizer, styleInjector and styleInjectorSSR implementations (upstream docs).


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Albert Peschar
  • released 2/7/2022

