
Simple wrapper around esformatter to beautify javascript files overriding the content of the files
esformatter beautifier javascript code beautifier jsx prettyprint prettify

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Simple wrapper around esformatter to beautify javascript files overriding the content of the files


esformatter only format the output to the stdout. This tool will overwrite your files. Use it under your own risk.


npm i -g esbeautifier


Usage: esbeautifier [options] glob [glob1] [glob2]..[globN]

  -k, --check-only       Will just run the beautifier and report which files need to be beautified
  -i, --cache-id String
      An identifier for the cache file to create. This is only needed if you want to run this task in
      parallel otherwise the next execution might get confusing results for reusing the same cache
  -u, --use-cache
      If true, this module will remember the `mtime` and `size` of the beatufied files and only
      operate on the ones that changed. If false, the cache will be destroyed. Cache will only be
      kept between executions with the useCache flag set to true. - default: true
  -h, --help             Show this help
  -v, --version          Outputs the version number
  -q, --quiet            Show only the summary info - default: false
  --colored-output       Use colored output in logs
  -c, --config String    Path to your `esformatter` config, if not provided will try to use the
                         `.esformatter` file in your current working directory, if not found will use
                         the one provided with this package


# this will overwrite your files! this is usually what you want thought
esbeautifier src/**/*.js specs/**/*.js

# check only which files need beautification
# if at least one file require beautification the command will throw an exception
esbeautifier src/**/*.js -k

# skip the cache. It will be created the next execution without this flag
esbeautifier --use-cache=false src/**/*.js


The cache is only kept if the executions of the beautifying command is done without the --use-cache=false or --no-use-cache flags. If any execution include this flag the cache will be destroyed and created again from scratch the next execution without it.


npm i esbeautifier


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Roy Riojas
  • released 6/12/2016

