
Alternative cancelable promise + function proposal for JavaScript

cancelable Travis-CI build result

This proposal tries replacing cancellation token from cancelable-promise with cancellation chain object, to achieve more automatic cancellation propagation.

  • chain keyword may be able to be confused with normal promise then chain.

Differences from cancelable-promise

  • Promise.cancelable(async (chain) => { /* ... */ });
  • promise[@@cancel]

New CancelableChain object is passed to promise constructor callback. This object can store other promises and cancel them when its underlying promise gets canceled. Its constructor is exposed to make a standalone chain instead of Promise dependant one.

interface CancelableChain {
  constructor(): CancelableChain;

   * `chain()` stores objects that supports `@@cancel` and call it
   * if cancellation is requested.
  <T>(cancelable: CancelablePromise<T>): Promise<T>;
  (cancelable: Cancelable): Promise<void>;

  cancel(): void; // same as current `cancel` parameter to shorten the parameter list
  canceled: boolean; // true when underlying promise is canceled
  tillCanceled: Promise<void>; // resolves when underlying promise gets canceled
   * throws CancelError when underlying promise gets canceled, otherwise returns nothing
  throwIfCanceled: void;
  [[chainedList]]: Cancelable[]; // stored cancelables.

// A cancelable is an object that supports Symbol.cancel.
interface Cancelable {
  [@@cancel](): void;
interface Promise<T> extends Cancelable {}


function inner() {
  return Promise.cancelable(async (chain) => {
    await a();
    await b();

function outer() {
  return Promise.cancelable(async (chain) => {
    await chain(inner()); // cancels inner() when parent promise gets canceled
function inner() {
  return Promise.cancelable(async (chain) => {
    await a();
    if (!chain.canceled) {
      await b();
function inner() {
  return Promise.cancelable(async (chain) => {
    const state = { foo: false }
    chain.tillCanceled.then(() => = true);
    await c(state);

Syntax sugar

A cancelable function has a new chain keyword in its function scope.

cancelable function inner() {
  await a();
  chain.throwIfCanceled(); // chain as keyword, a form like ``
  await b();

cancelable function outer() {
  chain inner(); // store inner() promise to cancellation chain
cancelable function inner() {
  await a();
  if (!chain.canceled) { // chain as keyword
    await b();

Token style to chain style

chain(promise) returns input promise so that promise.then can happen after chaining.

let chain = new CancelableChain();
  .then(() => chain(process()));


This example with .then() works basically same as the following example.

let chain = new CancelableChain();


cancelable function fetchAndProcess() {
  chain fetch();
  chain process();
npm i es-cancelable


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Kagami Sascha Rosylight
  • released 10/20/2016

