
A tool for creating project generators

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A tool for creating project generators


Install this package

npm i -S erector-set

And use it in a file

const erectorSet = require('erector-set');

const questions = [
    { name: 'animal', question: 'Enter an animal:' },
    { name: 'unused', question: 'What\'s your age?' },
    { name: 'animalId', transform: convertSpaces, useAnswer: 'animal' }
const templates = [
    { destination: './animal-story.txt', template: 'My favorite animal is a(n) {{ animal }} (id: {{ animalId }})' },
    { destination: './sub/{{ animalId }}-file' }

const convertSpaces = value => {
    return value.replace(/\s/g, '_');
};, templates);

When run, this will prompt the user similar to the following:

Enter an animal: Tiger Shark
What's your age? 24

Given the above answers, it would produce the following file structure:

| |_TigerShark-file

The file in sub/TigerShark-file would be empty since there was no template provided while the contents of animal-story.txt would be:

My favorite animal is a(n) Tiger Shark (id: TigerShark)


  • build(questions, templates): asks the provided questions, performs string replacements on templates based on those answers, then outputs those files; returns a Promise
  • construct(answers, templates): function to perform string replacement on template templates based on the answers
  • inquire(questions): tool used by build to ask questions; returns a Promise

Data Structures


The questions to ask a user should be provided as an Array of Objects with the following structure:

  • allowBlank: if truthy, will allow blank answers
  • defaultAnswer: provide a default value to use; if provided, allowBlank is true
  • name (required): an ID, unique to the set of questions
  • question: the String prompt to show the user
  • transform: a Function to transform the user's input; method signature is transformMethod(value, allAnswers) where allAnswers is the Array of answers up until that point.
  • useAnswer: if a question is not provided, this attribute can be provided to use another question's answer. Make sure these questions are at the end of the list of questions!


The templates should be provided as an Array of Objects with the following structure:

  • check: a function to see if the file should be created; if omitted or not a Function, it defaults to true.
  • destination (required): the file path to create. Note that destination values are run through the same template variable-replacement as the template values. This means your can output variable file names.
  • template: the string to do replacements on; if this is omitted, a blank file will be created. This can also be a file path to a template; if it is, the file will be read and used for replacements.

Template Format

The template.template value is a String which can either point to a file location or be the template itself. The format of templates uses a variable scheme similar to Angular or Vue, as shown in the following example:

        <h1>{{ myHeader }}</h1>

In this template, the question named myHeader would be replaced with the answer to that question. It is important to remember any {{ }}-wrapped strings that DO NOT have a matching answer will not be replaced. This was done purposefully to allow accurate generation of libraries which use such a syntax.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Matt Fehskens
  • released 2/28/2017

