
Enmap-Level is a provider for the [Enmap](https://www.npmjs.com/package/enmap) module. It enables the use of a persistent data structure using leveldb as a backend.


Enmap-Level is a provider for the Enmap module. It enables the use of a persistent data structure using leveldb as a backend.

Because of the underlying file-based database, enmap-level cannot be used simultaneously from multiple processes or apps. If you're making a Discord bot, this means enmap-level does not support sharded bots. If you need support for multiple processes or shards, consider using Enmap-Rethink


leveldb on Windows requires C++ Build Tools and Python 2.7.x installed. If you don't have those, run npm i -g --production windows-build-tools before installing enmap-level!

To install enmap-level simply run npm i enmap-level.


// Load Enmap
const Enmap = require('enmap');
// Load EnmapLevel
const EnmapLevel = require('enmap-level');
// Initialize the leveldb with the name "test" (this is the folder name in ./data)
const level = new EnmapLevel({ name: 'test' });
// Initialize the Enmap with the provider instance.
const myColl = new Enmap({ provider: level });

Shorthand declaration:

const Enmap = require('enmap');
const EnmapLevel = require('enmap-level');
const myColl = new Enmap({ provider: new EnmapLevel({ name: 'test' }); });

Enmap-Level will automatically create a data folder (default: ./data) when loading, assuming it has permissions to do so.


// Example with all options.
const level = new EnmapLevel({ 
  name: 'test',
  dataDir: './data',


The name option is mandatory and defines the name of the table where the data is stored.


The dataDir is optional and defines the folder path where data is stored (excluding the name attribute which becomes a subfolder). This folder can be a full valid absolute path, or relative to the current file's folder (the file where EnmapLevel is initialized). The default data directory is ./data. An enmap with the name test and the default dataDir would create ./data/test/.


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Evelyne Lachance
  • released 3/16/2018

