
Resolver for Jest which uses the enhanced-resolve module
jest resolver resolve webpack enhanced module browser

Enhanced Resolve for Jest
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A better resolver for Jest using webpack's enhanced resolve.


npm install enhanced-resolve-jest


Default configuration

This module exposes a resolver that will map your jest config to a compatible enhanced resolver, forwarding options like the extensions, browser target, etc.

  "resolver": "enhanced-resolve-jest"

Custom resolver

You can also extend this resolver to provide additional options to the enhanced-resolve module.

  "resolver": "./resolver.js"

Configure your resolver.js file:

const { create, getDefaultConfig } = require("enhanced-resolve-jest");

module.exports = create(jestConfig => {
  // Expected to return all options for
  // https://github.com/webpack/enhanced-resolve#resolver-options

  // You can get a config with the same options as the default resolver like so.
  const baseConfig = getDefaultConfig(jestConfig);

  // And modify it to make it your own.
  baseConfig.aliasFields = ["custom-alias"];

  return baseConfig;

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the eBay Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Dylan Piercey
  • released 6/24/2019

