
Incremental task runner
builder build engage reactive incremental task


Incremental build tool with automatic dependency tracking. Very alpha, so expect bugs.


  • Incremental: engage knows what has been done, so it doesn't need to do it again. You change one file, it recompiles one file.

  • Fast: because see above.

  • Easy: engage's API is simple and does not require any novel concepts. engage lets you do the naive thing and get away with it.

  • No frivolous plugins: any function that operates a source to source transform can just be used directly.


The examples directory gives several examples for various tasks you might want to undertake. You are welcome to copy them and adapt them.

Here is a transcript of a simple but ubiquitous example, minifying files and concatenating them:


var engage = require("engage");
var minify = require("uglify-js").minify;

var tMinify = engage.task("minify", function (file) {
    return minify(file.text, {fromString: true}).code;

var tCat = engage.task("cat", function(content) {
    var result = content.find("**/*.js").map(tMinify).join(";");

opts = {
    paths: {
        root: __dirname,
        content: "content",
        output: "out"

engage(tCat, opts).run();

That is not a lot of code. Now let's see what it does for you:

  • Incremental: engage.task track all reads and all file changes so that work can be minimized. For example, if you modify a .js file, only that file will be minified again, and if you add a new file, it will be compiled and packed along.

  • There is no engage-minify package. There is no need for one. The uglify-js package already exports a minify function that maps a source string to minified source. That is all you need!

    • The code can therefore be adapted to any source to source compiler. There is no need to wait for someone to write a plugin.
  • this.renameOut is automatically derived from paths.content and paths.output and will substitute the latter for the former.

  • The paths.content option determines what the main task (tCat in the example) receives in its content argument.

    • This is equivalent to content = this.get(this.paths.content). You can use this.get to open any file on the filesystem, if needed.
    • this.get is always relative to paths.root. Using __dirname is a good idea there because it makes the task relative to the script's location.
  • The beginning and end of every task, as well as all files read and written by them, are logged. That way you can see what the tasks do. You can log more information with this.log.


First, note that all the options given in the call to engage(task, options) are accessible from any task from the this object.

You are encouraged to define your own options!

Here are the options that have an official meaning:


(default: false)

The clean option instructs engage to delete previously generated files if they are not part of the output any more. engage will only delete files that have been written by a task.

engage does not clean by default.


(default: 25)

Engage will re-execute tasks only after waiting until debounce milliseconds since the last change to the filesystem.


(default: false)

If this is true, then engage will display full paths for files read or written to.


The error logger. This defaults to console.error. This cannot be null.


(default: false)

If true, touching a file without changing its contents will not count as a change that triggers recompilation.



This is a function that will be given every log message. There is, of course, a default logger.

Note that engage will give out instances of engage.EngageMessage to tell the logger about tasks that begin or end, and files read or written to. The type and arguments fields contain the relevant information. You can of course call message.toString() to get a decent string representation.

If log is false or null, then there will be no logging. That's not good, but you can do it.


This object contains important paths. Three paths are recognized by engage:

  • root: should be the project root, the directory in which the build script is. (default: cwd)
  • content: where the source files are. (no default!)
  • out: where the output will be. (no default!)

If you define content and out, engage will set this.renameOut to a renamer from the first to the second.

The paths are accessible from this.paths. Feel free to define paths that are specific to your application.


This is an object that controls what engage logs automatically. The object fields are all booleans, and they are:

  • read: log files read
  • write: log files written to
  • task: log when tasks start and end, and how long they take
  • cache: log when we use the cached version of a task (can be useful for debug) (default: false)

All values default to true unless specified otherwise.


(default: true)

If true, engage will watch the filesystem for changes. If false, it will not, and will terminate as soon as the initial run is finished.

File/directory objects

The objects you read and write to are FSNode instances, which represent some location in the FileSystem. That location may or may not already exist: for instance, you can get a reference to a file that doesn't exist, so you cannot read it, but you can write to it. Similarly, you can get a reference to a directory that doesn't exist; if you try to list its contents, the directory will simply be created.

Files and directories are not represented by nodes with different types, because the same node can change type through filesystem manipulations.

The following methods and properties are available:


May be "file", "directory" or null.


Returns whether the current node exists.


Returns whether this node was last modified more recently than the one passed as an argument.


Returns whether this node was last modified less recently than the one passed as an argument.


Copy to the destination. The destination must be a string, another FSNode or a renaming object. For example:

node.copy({to: "/some/path"})
node.copy({extension: ".html"})

copy can copy files or whole directories.

Available on files


Contents of the file as a Buffer instance.


Text contents of the file as a string.


Write contents to the file (String or Buffer).


Contents of the file as a Buffer instance. Equivalent to read().


Text contents of the file as a string. Equivalent to readText().

Available on directories


If the node is a directory, return the file or directory with that name. If the current node is a file, this will fail. If the current node does not exist, then a directory will be created at this location.

find(glob[, ...])

Returns an iterable for all the files that match the glob relative to the directory on which the method is called. More than one glob can be provided. A glob that starts with ! will be negated, meaning that all matching files will be removed from the iterable.


Call function on every file/directory in this directory.


Call function on every file/directory in this directory and returns an array of the results.


Returns a generator for all the files/directory in this directory. Compatible with for..of.



A task is any function wrapped in a call to engage.task.

A task is the granularity at which engage operates: engage tracks every file every task reads, and when one of them is modified, the associated tasks are re-run.

This means you can control the granularity of recompilation by choosing how you break down the work into tasks. Usually, the more the better.



In order for a task to work properly there are a few rules to follow:

  • A task must execute synchronously.

  • The only side-effects a task should have are writing to the filesystem using the write method on engage's FSNode objects (see examples) or logging. That's what engage is built to handle.

    • Do not modify fields in external objects
    • Do not push data in external arrays
    • Do not use data that may be modified by another part of the code
    • It is fine to do mutation on data which you know is 100% local to the task. Just don't let any other task see it.
  • Do not nest tasks. Engage controls this and the arguments to a task, but not free variables, so you may run into issues if you manipulate them, or if the parent scope does (you should be fine if they are constant). I recommend not doing it at all. Define every task in module or global scope.

  • Arguments to a task should be FSNode objects (engage's file/directory handles) or small data (strings, integers, small objects). They are serialized to form a cache key, which is only supported for specific types (and it is probably unwise to do it for very large objects).


Here's what engage will not do:

  • engage cannot run tasks asynchronously because of the way it tracks what tasks change what parts of the filesystem (async will confuse it). You can return Promises, but engage will await on the result before proceeding any further.

  • engage will restart the generation anew on every execution. I am planning to add a caching system (opt-in) so that builds can be incremental from an execution to the next.

    • For now, you can call destination.older(source) to check if a source file was modified after it was last compiled, and then only recompile it if that's the case. Works well in many use cases.

Be aware of these limitations and choose your tools consequently. Incremental builds are usually pretty efficient and benefit little from parallelism, because there is usually only one thing to (re-)do, but of course every project has different requirements.

Earl Grey macros

The Earl Grey language has some macro bindings for engage that make it a lot more pleasant to use. Here's the earlier example written in Earl Grey:

   engage, uglify-js -> minify

   "engage" -> task

task t-minify(file) =
   minify(file.text, {from-string = true}).code

task t-cat(content) =
   result = content.find("**/*.js").map(t-minify).join(";")

engage(t-cat, opts).run() where opts = {
   paths = {
      root = __dirname
      content = "content"
      output = "out"


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Olivier Breuleux
  • released 12/18/2015

