
Powerful forms without the confusion.

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The Ember Uni-Form addon makes it easy to wire up complex, validated forms.


  • minimizes boilerplate with sensible defaults
  • provides a conventional structure for your form code
  • supports validation of nested models within the payload


{{#uni-form action=(action 'mySubmit') form=myForm }}
  {{ uni-form-input payloadKey='emailAddress' type='email' }}
  {{ uni-form-input payloadKey='password' type='password' }}
  {{#if myForm.submitFailed }} {{ uni-form-messages }} {{/if}}
  <input type="submit" value="Save">
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({

  myForm: Ember.computed('model', function () {
    return this.store.createRecord('uni-form', { payload: this.get('model') });

  actions: {
    mySubmit: function () {
      .then(() => this.transitionTo('user', this.get('model')))
      .catch(() => {
        // Set a form-level error message
          body: 'The internet gods are angry. Connection failed.',
          tone: 'error'
        // Show uni-form-messages
        this.get('myForm').set('submitFailed', true);

Find this example insufficient? It is! The real documentation is the example code in /tests/dummy/app!

How It Works

Uni-Form provides a conventional structure for your form code.

The data:

  • form model
  • field models
  • message objects

The views:

  • form component
  • field components

You provide:

  • payload model
  • submit action

You can directly bind a value to an input (e.g. a checkbox for a controller property), but Uni-Form really shines when you put your fields within a form and specify the payloadKey.

Uni-Form field components will take the payloadKey and parse validations and error messages on parentFormView.form.payload to give you:

  • field.label
  • field.maxlength
  • field.messages
  • field.name
  • field.optional
  • field.prompt
  • field.required
  • field.status
  • field.tone
  • field.value

Binding by payloadKey works with nested models in the payload. Check out the example in the dummy app.

A model:uni-form has a payload model, fieldsByName (a hash of field models) and messages.

A model:uni-form-field has a value alias and computed properties for message, tone, required, etc.

A message has a field, path, body, source, and tone.

// Client error for form.payload.user.emailAddress
var msg = {
  field: 'emailAddress',
  path: 'user',
  body: 'Please enter a valid email address.',
  source: 'client',
  tone: 'error',


Uni-Form is the one form library to rule them all. And in the darkness, bind them.

  • You should really read the code in the dummy app.
  • Model attribute names are expected to be camelCased.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.


  • MIT
  • >= 0.10.0
  • Unknown
  • released 11/3/2015

