
Sinon sandbox test integration for QUnit
ember-addon sinon qunit

Ember Sinon QUnit

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This addon integrates sinon & ember-qunit.

Why not simply use sinon alone?

sinon does not handle cleanup of ember-qunit tests. While sinon sandboxes itself, it's up to the user to consistently clean up sinon after each test. ember-sinon-qunit automatically restores sinon's state to ensure nothing is leaked between tests. All spies/stubs created will be automatically restored to their original methods at the end of each test.


  • Sinon.js v15 or above
  • Ember.js v4.12 or above
  • Embroider or ember-auto-import v2


ember install ember-sinon-qunit

sinon is a peerDependency of this addon, so install it with your favorite package manager as well, e.g. yarn add -D sinon.


To use, import the setup method into your tests/test-helper.js file and execute it.

import { setApplication } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import { start } from 'ember-qunit';
import Application from '../app';
import config from '../config/environment';
import setupSinon from 'ember-sinon-qunit';




This will automatically wire-up sinon's setup & restoration to QUnit's testStart and testDone respectively.

Accessing sinon Within Tests

In each test you are able to access sinon via the sinon object available as an import in your tests:

import { module } from 'qunit';
import { test } from 'ember-qunit';
import sinon from 'sinon';

module('Example test', function (hooks) {
  hooks.beforeEach(function () {
    this.testStub = sinon.stub();

  test('sinon is wired up correctly', function (assert) {

    assert.ok(this.testStub.calledOnce, 'stub was called once');

  test('sinon state restored after every test run', function (assert) {
    assert.ok(this.testStub.notCalled, 'stub cleaned up after each test run');

The sinon object's state is automatically self-contained to each specific test, allowing you to safely create mocks for your tests without worrying about any overrides leaking between each test.

Using sinon with the @action decorator

The @action decorator is used with methods to bind them to the this of the class. The @action does this by wrapping the method in a property with the getter of the property returning the original method bound to this. That means when you wish to stub or spy the method, you have to treat it as a property not a method.

let stubAction = sinon.stub(service, 'methodToStub').get(function () {
  return null;

let spyAction = sinon.spy(service, 'methodToStub', ['get']);


Migrating To ember-sinon-qunit

Read this post to learn more about the overhaul of this package.

The above functionality replaces previous features within ember-sinon-qunit, as well as the sister addons ember-sinon-sinoff and ember-sinon-sandbox. Below, you will find simple instructions for migrating from each of these feature sets to the new patterns.

Migration from sinon 5+

  1. Import and consume setupSinon.
  2. Remove any manual calls to sinon.restore(). It won't hurt to leave them, but they are redundant now!

Migration from older versions of sinon

  1. Import and consume setupSinon.
  2. Remove calls to sinon.createSandbox(). Anywhere you used the sandbox object returned by this method, you can now use sinon directly. See the sinon Migration Guide for more information.
  3. Remove any manual restore() calls for your sandboxes.

Migration from older versions of ember-sinon-qunit

  1. Revert to using the standard ember-qunit test import: import { test } from 'qunit';
  2. Import and consume setupSinon.

Migration from ember-sinon-sinoff or ember-sinon-sandbox

  1. import sinon from 'sinon'; within each test that currently uses a sandbox.
  2. Replace this.sandbox with the imported sinon object.
  3. Remove references to setupSinonSinoff/setupSinonSandbox from your tests.
  4. Import and consume setupSinon.

Or, if you'd like to save some effort, try the following codemod ember-sinon-qunit-codemod:

cd my-ember-app-or-addon
npx ember-sinon-qunit-codemod tests


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

npm i ember-sinon-qunit


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 7/17/2024
