
A service to read the past and future entries of a user's history within your app
ember-addon emberjs router history service


NOTE! This is still alpha, I probably shouldn't have released 1.0 yet...

Known issues:

  • NO query param support
  • Buggy when navigating from one route to a previous instance of the same route.

Ever wanted to have some logic depend on the user's navigation history in your app?

After submitting a form, you could redirect the user to where they were before.

Or a details route, where you cycle through many models, could offer a close button which returns to the last different route they were on.

Note: I've never tested this with Ember.HashLocation. If you try it, or would like to help ensure a graceful fallback behavior, please let me know! I'm available on the Ember Community Slack.


  1. ember install ember-recorded-history
  2. Include the router mixin, and use the tracking-history location:
// app/router.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import config from './config/environment';
import { HistoryMixin } from 'ember-recorded-history';

const Router = Ember.Router.extend(HistoryMixin, {
  location: 'tracking-history',
  rootURL: config.rootURL

Router.map(function() {
  // ...

export default Router;



A HistoryEntry represents a unique visit to a route. It has 4 properties:

  • path: The path of the route, as shown in the URL bar (e.g. "/photos/4")
  • route: The dot-separated route name, as you'd pass to link-to (e.g. "photos.show")
  • uuid: A unique identifier which distinguishes multiple visits to the same route.
  • params: An array of params for routes with dynamic segments

The recorded-history service

The service provides 5 main properties:

  • currentEntry: A HistoryEntry representing the current route. This can be leveraged to store state associated with this route.
  • pastEntries: An array of HistoryEntries, oldest to most recent. These are where the user would end up if they used the back button.
  • futureEntries: An array of HistoryEntries, from closest to furthest in the future. These are where the user would end up if they used the forward button.
  • entries: All history entries. Equivalent to pastEntries.concat(currentEntry, futureEntries).
  • position: The index of the current history entry. currentEntry is equivalent to entries[position].

The service also provides 2 useful methods:

  • returnTo(entry): Transition to an existing history entry, without modifying the history. As if the user pressed the back/forward buttons to return to that route.
  • transitionTo(entry): Transition to the specified state, as if the user navigated directly there. This discards future entries, and creates a new entry for the passed route.



It would be nice to have a version of link-to that can take a HistoryEntry.

Check replace support

This probably doesn't work correctly with replaceWith

Query param support

Check with replace: true

Usage Example

Inject the recorded-history service into wherever you'd like to use it:

// photos/view/controller.js
import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  history: Ember.inject.service('recorded-history'),

  previousRoute: Ember.computed('history.pastEntries.[]', function() {
    return this.get('history.pastEntries')
      .rejectBy('route', 'photos.view')

  actions: {
    returnToPrevious() {
{{! photos/view/template.hbs }}
{{#if previousRoute}}
  <button {{action "returnToPrevious"}}>⬅︎ Return</button>
<img src={{model.url}}>
npm i ember-recorded-history


  • MIT
  • >= 4
  • Unknown
  • released 1/28/2018

