
A Raygun.io integration via Ember.js addon.
ember-addon raygun crash reporting pulse real user monitoring


A Raygun.io integration via an addon. Uses v2 of the Raygun JS API, rg4js.

Build Status

To enable and set your API Key add to config/environment:

'use strict';

module.exports = function(environment/*, appConfig */) {
  return {
    raygun: {
      apiKey: 'APP_API_KEY_HERE',
      enabled: true,
      enableCrashReporting: false,
      enableUserTracking: true,
      enablePulse: true,
      saveIfOffline: true,
      sensitiveData: ['password'],
      tags: [ environment ]

The config also supports using a string.

  • e.g. enablePulse: "#{raygun:enablePulse}",

This may be useful if you use replace config settings during deployment instead of only during the ember build.

User tracking

Personally identifiable info (PII) should never be sent to Raygun, without legal approval.

The enableUserTracking setting will disable the Raygun anonymous tracking and utilize a custom user id value (uuid) to track users. When using this update the user id once your user logs into your application. The raygun service provides a setUser method.

Example Implementation

Your implemenation depends on your application's needs, the raygun service, provided by this addon can be used to manage the tracked user.

See the tests/dummy application as an example of managing an user id, with anonymous id or an actual user id provided after login.

The config for a development build uses environment variables.

  • export RAYGUN_ENABLED=true; export RAYGUN_CRASH_REPORTING=false; export RAYGUN_USER_TRACKING=true; export RAYGUN_API_KEY='X'; ember s
  • visit http://localhost:4200/login

On Windows you can use PowerShell to set an environment variable, $env:RAYGUN_ENABLED="true"

To prevent certain errors from Raygun Crash Reporting, use a utility function in your app named raygun-error-filter.

  • ember generate util raygun-error-filter

Perhaps your app handles RSVP errors caught from XHR requests, based status codes, 401, 403, and 409. And the related errors shoud not be reported to Raygun.

Below is an example utility function that you may use as a filter.

export default function raygunErrorFilter(error) {
  if (error && error.xhr && error.xhr.status && [401,403,409].includes(error.xhr.status)) {
    return null;
  } else {
    return error;

If the utility function returns the error passed in, then it will be reported. To ensure the filter function is used with window.onerror (uncaught errors) set the config value for enableCrashReporting to false. A true setting would use Raygun's automatic setup for winodow.onerror, which doesn't filter.

See the dummy app example, utils/raygun-error-filter.

Crash reporting is generated through Ember.onerror, RSVP.on('error', () => {}), Ember.Logger.error, and window.onerror. When your application's config enables Raygun Crash reporting, this behavior is setup using an instance initializer.

If you would like to define how your app reports runtime errors to Raygun, then you may generate your own instance initializer.

  • ember generate instance-initializer raygun

See addon/instance-initializers/raygun.


  • ember install ember-raygun

Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.


  • Apache-2.0
  • ^4.5 || 6.* || >= 7.*
  • Bill Heaton
  • released 10/12/2017

