
Our snazzy add-on for checking if a new version of your app is available
ember-addon version detection


This is a highly opinionated add-on. It's incredibly specific to our needs at Precision Nutrition. We welcome pull requests to make this more flexible.

We needed a way to test if a new version of our Ember apps were being reported by our API. Our API does this by reporting back the SHA of the currently available release for the specific app in question.

Our Ember apps report back:

  • X-App-Name: the name of the app in question
  • X-App-Version: the version the app is (this comes from ember-cli-app-version)

And our API reports back:

  • X-Current-Version: the current version as understood by the API (we use ember-cli-deploy to manage this)


  • Ember.js v3.24 or above
  • Ember CLI v3.24 or above
  • Node.js v12 or above


ember install ember-new-version-detection

Configuring your application

In your config/environment.js file you'll need to add a block like this:

const ENV = {
  // snip

  'ember-new-version-detection': {
    appName: 'pickles' /* whatever your app is called by the API */,

  // snip

Hooking up the detector

// app/adapters/application.js

import VersionDetectingJsonApiAdapter from 'ember-new-version-detection/adapter/json-api';

export default class MyAdapter extends VersionDetectingJsonApiAdapter {
  // snip

I want to ignore an upgrade

Not a problem. Example:


Help! I Don't Use JSON:API!

The implementation of the adapter is pretty straightforward. Just copy and paste from our code.

npm i ember-new-version-detection


  • MIT
  • 12.* || 14.* || >= 16
  • The fine folks at Precision Nutrition
  • released 8/12/2022
