
Addon for JSON API list support, search, filter, sort, etc.

Ember JSONAPI Resources List Addon

Ember Addon that provides mixins for use with controllers and routes that need to display a list of resources that follow the JSON API 1.0 specification.

Example Use

In the router a list route is defined at the path '/' under the 'products' route.

Router.map(function() {
  this.route('products', { path: '/' }, function () {
    this.route('list', { path: '/' });

List Route:

import Ember from 'ember';
import ListRouteMixin from 'ember-jsonapi-resources-list/mixins/routes/jsonapi-list';

export default Ember.Route.extend(ListRouteMixin, {
    The name of the model type, used with store service

    @property resourceName
    @type String
  resourceName: 'products',

    The parent or route name

    @property routeParent
    @type String
  routeParent: 'products'

List Controller

Use query params on the products list page which represent the request parameters used with the API server.

This example includes a filter for a facet. Perhaps the actual implementation will use color or size, or both (facets).

import Ember from 'ember';
import ListControllerMixin from 'ember-jsonapi-resources-list/mixins/controllers/jsonapi-list';
import facetTransform from '../transforms/facet';

export default Ember.Controller.extend(ListControllerMixin, {
  queryParams: [
    { searchQuery: 'search' },
    { sortParamName: 'sort' },
    { sortingDirection: 'order'},
    { facetParam: 'facet' }

    Value use with `filter[facet]` param in API requests

    @property facetParam
    @type String
  facetParam: '',

    @property facetFilter
    @type String
  facetFilter: Ember.computed('facets', 'facetParam', {
    get() {
      if (!this.get('facetParam')) {
        this.set('facetParam', this.get('facets')[0]);
      return this.get('facetParam');
    set(key, value) {
      return this.set('facetParam', value);

    @property facets
    @type {Array}
  facets: Ember.computed(function() {
    let facets = facetTransform.values.map(function(i){ return i; });
    facets.unshift('All'); // Allow "All" as an option
    return facets;

  actions: {
      Set the filtering params to pass into the route and display into the URL

      @method filtering
      @param {String} key
      @param {String} value
    filtering(key, value) {
      if (key === 'facet') {
        this.set('facetFilter', value);
      this.get('target').send('filtering', {
        facet: this.get('facetParam')

List Template

{{input value=searchQuery placeholder="Search…" enter="search" class="search"}}

<div class="resource-filters row">
  <section class="one column">
    <p class="resource-filters-title">Filters</p>
  <section class="resource-filters-item eleven columns icons">
    {{#each facets as |filter|}}
      {{#selectable-button value=filter selectedValue=facetFilter action="filtering" attrName="facet"}}

<table class="Product-list resource-list u-full-width">
    <tr class="u-small-text u-short-header">
        on-sort=(action "sorting") field="facet"
        on-sort=(action "sorting") field="name"
        on-sort=(action "sorting") field="updated-at"
    {{#each model key="id" as |resource|}}
      <tr {{action "detail" resource}}>
        <td>{{icon-for value=resource.facet}}</td>
        <td>{{moment-format resource.updated-at "ll"}}</td>
      <td colspan="4" class="u-align-center">
        {{jsonapi-list-loader hasMore=hasMore loadingMore=loadingMore action="more"}}



In the consuming application…

ember install ember-jsonapi-resources-list


Install dependencies…

  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install

Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://ember-cli.com/.

npm i ember-jsonapi-resources-list


  • MIT
  • >= 4.3.1
  • Bill Heaton
  • released 6/27/2016

