
This Ember addon helps you generate and mantain a humans.txt file for your website
ember-addon humans.txt authors contributors manifest

ember-humans-txt humans.txt

Build Status

This Ember addon helps you generate and mantain a humans.txt file for your website.



module.exports = function humans() {
  return {
    team: 'Santiago Ferreira (@san650 at Twitter and Github)',

    thanks: [
      'EmberJS team for the great framework',
      'ember-cli team for such a great tool'

    site: [
      'Standards: HTML5, CSS3, ES2015',
      'Components: EmberJS, node',
      'Software: VIM, ember-cli'

    note: 'Give san650/ember-humans-txt a star on github!'


/* TEAM */

Santiago Ferreira (@san650 at Twitter and Github)

/* THANKS */

EmberJS team for the great framework
ember-cli team for such a great tool

/* SITE */

Standards: HTML5, CSS3, ES2015
Components: EmberJS, node
Software: VIM, ember-cli

/* NOTE */

Give san650/ember-humans-txt a star on github!

and also links the humans.txt file in your index.html.

<link rel="author" href="humans.txt">

See humans.txt standard for more information.


  • team is a string or array of team members.
  • thanks is a string or array of people you'd like to thank.
  • site is a string or array of technical specifications about your site.
  • note is a string or array of things you'd like to mention.


$ ember install ember-humans-txt

This generates a config/humans.js configuration file.


$ git clone https://github.com/san650/ember-humans-txt.git
$ cd $_
$ yarn          # (or npm install)
$ bower install

Running tests

$ npm test

Project's health

Build Status


Thanks to humans-generator project for the ideas.


ember-humans-txt is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for the full license text.

npm i ember-humans-txt


  • MIT
  • >= 4.0.0
  • Santiago Ferreira
  • released 1/2/2017

