
Ember Gridstack
ember-addon gridstack

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Ember components to build drag-and-drop multi-column grids powered by gridstack.js


  • Ember.js v4.4 or above
  • Ember CLI v4.4 or above
  • Node.js v14 or above


ember install ember-gridstack

Migrating to v3

View the full v3.0.0 release notes for updates and breaking changes.

Basic Usage

<GridStack @options={{hash animate=true}} @onChange={{this.change}}>
  <GridStackItem @options={{hash x=0 y=0 w=6 h=2}}>
    Widget #1
  <GridStackItem @options={{hash x=6 y=0 w=6 h=2}}>
    Widget #2



Used to construct a grid-stack layout


<GridStack> can take an options object attribute to configure the grid. All gridstack grid options are valid and take the form gs-{option}. However, when using <GridStack> the gs-{option} is omitted.


<GridStack @options={{hash animate=true column=12 maxRow=10}}>

The full list of options can be found here: https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js/tree/v4.2.7/doc#grid-options


All gridstack events can be handled as Ember actions. They take the form on{Eventname}.



The full list of events can found here: https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js/tree/v4.2.7/doc#events

Block Form

The <GridStack> component uses the block form to yield <GridStackItem> components. In addition, <GridStack> yields a reference to itself in the case inner components need the reference or would like to listen to events triggered on the grid element.


<GridStack as |grid|>
  <GridStackItem @options={{hash x=0 y=0 w=6 h=2}}>
    Widget #1


Used to construct a grid item inside a <GridStack> component


<GridStackItem> can take an options object attribute to configure the grid item. All gridstack item options are valid and take the form gs-{option}. However, when using <GridStackItem> the gs is omitted.


<GridStackItem @options={{hash w=4 h=4 x=0 y=0 noMove=true}}>

The full list of options can be found here: https://github.com/gridstack/gridstack.js/tree/v4.2.7/doc#item-options

Block Form

The <GridStackItem> component uses the block form to yield the content of the item. In addition, <GridStackItem> yields a reference to itself in the case inner components need the reference or would like to listen to events triggered on the grid.


<GridStackItem @options={{hash x=0 y=0 w=6 h=2}} as |item|>
  <CustomComponent @parentContainer={{item}} />
export default class CustomComponent extends Component {
  didInsertElement() {
    this.parentContainer.element.addEventListener('resizestop', () => {
      //handle resize

Touch Support

For touch support do the following

ember-grid-stack < 2.x

By default, the bower dependencies for Gridstack will be installed automatically.

