
Node Express middleware to deploy Ember applications into a FastBoot server
ember fastboot deploy express middleware


Node Express middleware to deploy Ember applications into a FastBoot server

To install this middleware run the following from your FastBoot node server:

npm install ember-fastboot-deploy

This middleware is used to receive deployment notifications from the ember-cli-deploy pipeline. The idea is that in your Ember app, you can setup an ember-cli-deploy pipeline that:

  1. Performs a FastBoot build ember-cli-fastboot-build
  2. Zips up the FastBoot build artifacts ember-cli-deploy-archive
  3. Uploads the FastBoot zip to S3 ember-cli-deploy-s3
  4. Sends a notitication to the FastBoot server that a new zip is available to be deployed ember-cli-deploy-notifications

Here's a video of the middleware in action: https://vimeo.com/156916068

This middleware is responsible for receiving the notification from the last step above, downloading the zip file from S3, unzipping it on the FastBoot server's filesystem, and then restarting the internally managed Ember application that runs within FastBoot.

As the clients issue requests to the FastBoot, this middleware is responsible for returning the middleware function for the most recently deployed Ember application. Additionally, clients can include a &noFastboot query parameter to passthru the fastboot middleware to the middleware that appears after this middleware for scenarios when you don't want to serve FastBoot HTML.

The deployment request that is issued to this middleware must be issued using HTTPS, and is of the form:


where secret is your deployment secret, and pkgName is the name of the FastBoot build zip file living on s3 that you wish to deploy.

FastBoot Server Setup

Here is an example FastBoot server that uses the FastBoot Deploy middleware:

var express = require('express');
var fs = require('fs');
var https = require('https');
var FastBootDeploy = require('ember-fastboot-deploy');

var fastbootDeploy = new FastBootDeploy({
  deploySecret: process.env.FASTBOOT_DEPLOY_SECRET,
  s3BucketUrl: process.env.FASTBOOT_PKG_S3_BUCKET_URL,
  fastbootPkgName: process.env.FASTBOOT_PKG_NAME, // This is a package name that will be downloaded from S3 at startup if no ember application package is found on the local filesystem, e.g. fastboot-build.tar.gz
  afterDeploy: function() {
    // Do something after the fastboot package has been deployed, like purge the CDN cache

var app = express();

app.get('/deploy', fastbootDeploy.deployMiddleware());

app.get('/*', fastbootDeploy.fastbootServerMiddleware());

// A hypothetical example of how you would setup middleware for serving the index.html from another source
// like Redis. Use `&noFastboot` query param to passthrough to the serveIndexHtmlFromRedis middleware
// app.get('/*', fastbootDeploy.fastbootServerMiddleware(), serveIndexHtmlFromRedis);

var options = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('ssl-key.pem'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('ssl-cert.pem')

var listener = https.createServer(options, app).listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function() {
  var host = listener.address().address;
  var port = listener.address().port;
  console.log('FastBoot running at https://' + host + ":" + port);

(Note that this FastBoot Deploy middleware requires that the /deploy route run in HTTPS for security reasons--other routes do not have to run in HTTPS if you don't want them to).

In order to use this middleware you will need to provide the following parameters to the FastBootDeploy function:

  1. deploySecret This is a secret value that the deployment notification request that is issued from the ember-cli-deploy-notifications pipeline build step must include. It is recommended you set this as an enviroment variable as it is a sentitive value.
  2. s3BucketUrl This is the URL from which you can access assets of the s3 bucket that contains your FastBoot build zip file. e.g. https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-s3-bucket

Ember Application Deployment Configuration

In order to leverage this middleware for deploying your Ember application to the FastBoot server, you need to setup your Ember application to perform all the deployment steps outlined at the top of this README. The following ember-cli-deploy addons should be installed for a setup where you want to host your application assets in S3 and use FastBoot to serve your index.html:

  • ember-cli-deploy
  • ember-cli-deploy-build
  • ember-cli-deploy-archive
  • ember-cli-deploy-display-revisions
  • ember-cli-deploy-fastboot-build
  • ember-cli-deploy-gzip
  • ember-cli-deploy-manifest
  • ember-cli-deploy-notifications
  • ember-cli-deploy-revision-data
  • ember-cli-deploy-s3

You can then setup your Ember application's config/deploy.js like this:

var VALID_DEPLOY_TARGETS = [ //update these to match what you call your deployment targets

module.exports = function(deployTarget) {
  var fastbootDeploySecret = process.env.FASTBOOT_DEPLOY_SECRET;
  var fastbootArchiveName = 'fastboot-build.tar.gz';
  var ENV = {
    plugins: ['build', 'fastboot-build', 'gzip', 'manifest', 'archive', 's3:s3-main', 's3:s3-archive', 'notifications'],
    build: { environment: deployTarget},
    'fastboot-build': { environment: deployTarget},
    's3-main': {},
    's3-archive': {
      manifestPath: null, // need to have the new fastboot pkg clobber the old one in s3
      filePattern: '**/*.gz',
      distDir: function(context) { return context.archivePath; },
      distFiles: function(context) { return [ context.archiveName ]; }
    archive: {
      archiveName: fastbootArchiveName,
      distDir: function(context) { return context.fastbootDistDir; }
    notifications: {
      services: {
        fastbootServer: {
          url: 'https://my-fastboot-server.com/deploy?secret=' +
               fastbootDeploySecret + '&pkgName=' + fastbootArchiveName,
          method: 'GET',
          headers: {},
          body: {},
          didActivate: true
  if (VALID_DEPLOY_TARGETS.indexOf(deployTarget) === -1) {
    throw new Error('Invalid deployTarget ' + deployTarget);

  if (deployTarget === 'dev') {
    ENV.plugins = ['fastboot-build'];
    ENV['fastboot-build'].environment = 'development';

  if (deployTarget === 'staging' || deployTarget === 'prod') {
    ENV['fastboot-build'].environment = deployTarget;
    ENV['s3-main'].accessKeyId = process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID;
    ENV['s3-main'].secretAccessKey = process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY;
    ENV['s3-archive'].accessKeyId = process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID;
    ENV['s3-archive'].secretAccessKey = process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY;

  if (deployTarget === 'staging') {
    ENV['s3-main'].bucket = 'my-apps-assets';
    ENV['s3-main'].region = 'us-east-1';
    ENV['s3-archive'].bucket = 'my-apps-assets';
    ENV['s3-archive'].region = 'us-east-1';
  if (deployTarget === 'prod') {

  return ENV;

(for your development environment it might be useful to use a self-signed cert, in that case you can add this you your deploy.js)

  //ignoring self signed certs for dev--REMOVE THIS!!

An example of the ember-cli-build.js looks like this. Make sure to set generateAssetMap: true in your fingerprint options.

var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
  var env = EmberApp.env() || 'dev';

  var fingerprintOptions = {
    enabled: true,  // in this example we are fingerprinting dev builds too--doesn't have to be that way...
    generateAssetMap: true,
    extensions: ['js', 'css', 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'ico']

  switch (env) {
    case 'dev':
      fingerprintOptions.prepend = process.env.DEV_FINGERPRINT_PREFIX;
    case 'staging':
      fingerprintOptions.prepend = process.env.STAGING_FINGERPRINT_PREFIX;
    case 'prod':
      fingerprintOptions.prepend = process.env.PRODUCTION_FINGERPRINT_PREFIX;

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  var app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    // Add options here
    fingerprint: fingerprintOptions,
    emberCLIDeploy: {
      shouldActivate: true
    emberCliFontAwesome: {
      useScss: true

  return app.toTree();
npm i ember-fastboot-deploy


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Hassan Abdel-Rahman
  • released 4/5/2016

