
The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.


Because every talk should end with an "ember install" slide.


During SoEmber Conf 2017, in San Diego, @lukemelia gave a great talk, partly about how empathy is what makes the ember community so great and powerful.

As it was tweeted by @tomdale:

Noticeable Ember talk trend:

  1. Identify problem
  2. Explain in excruciating detail
  3. "But don't worry, just install this addon I wrote"

SoEmber was really no exception. Empathy however isn't really something you can install, so the talk kind of was breaking the trend... But now you can install some empathy in your ember projects.


The idea is to display some trivia related to ember when you build your app with ember-cli. This way we can all move forward as a community, following the same general principles. By default, the addon will not run on production environments.

Think of it as a "quote of the day app", but for our awesome community.

PLEASE PR new trivia/quotes, maybe tips? :)


Just run an ember install, that's the whole point:

ember install ember-empathy

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.

npm i ember-empathy


  • MIT
  • >= 0.12.0
  • Miguel Andrade
  • released 1/30/2017

