
The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.


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An Ember.js addon that can be used to build UIs around the Content-Kit editor.

Additionally, ember-content-kit supports the creation of Mobiledoc cards as Ember components. This is a significant improvement for developer ergonomics over vanilla JS.


ember install ember-content-kit

ember-content-kit will install the content-kit-editor packages as a dependency and load its assets.


This addon is primarily composed of components used building an editor UI.


This component is the main entrance point for a content-kit editor instance in your Ember app. Used in the most basic form it will render a dummy editor with no toolbar. For example this usage:


Will render a blank Mobiledoc into the following DOM:

<article class="content-kit-editor">
  <div class="content-kit-editor__editor-wrapper">
    <div class="content-kit-editor__editor"></div>

The components accepts these arguments:

  • mobiledoc, a Mobiledoc for editing by the Content-Kit editor
  • cards, an array of available cards for use by the editor. Jump to the section on Component-based cards for more detail on how to use cards with Ember components.
  • spellcheck boolean
  • autofocus boolean
  • placeholder string -- the placeholder text to display when the mobiledoc is blank
  • options hash -- any properties in the options hash will be passed to the ContentKitEditor constructor

Of course often you want to provide a user interface to bold text, create headlines, or otherwise reflect the state of the editor.

Called with a block, the contentKit param is yielded.

{{#content-kit-editor mobiledoc=someDoc as |contentKit|}}

contentKit has the following properties, useful to inspect the current state of the editor:

  • editor, the Content-Kit editor itself
  • activeSectionTagNames, an object with true values for section tag names in the current selection. For example activeSectionTagNames.isH1.
  • activeMarkupTagNames, an object with true values for markup tag names in the current selection. For example activeMarkupTagNames.isStrong

Additionally contentKit provides the following actions:

  • toggleMarkup, toggling the passed markup tag name in the current selection.
  • toggleSectionTagName, toggling the passed section tag name in the current selection.
  • toggleLink, toggling the linking of a selection. The user will be prompted for a URL if required.
  • addCard, passed a card name and payload will add that card at the end of
  • addCardInEditMode, passed a card name and payload will add that card at the end of a post and render it in "edit" mode initially.
  • createListSection, changing selected content into list items.

The contentKit object is often used indirectly by passing it to other components. For example:

{{#content-kit-editor as |contentKit|}}
  <div class="toolbar">
    {{content-kit-markup-button contentKit=contentKit for="strong"}}
    {{content-kit-link-button contentKit=contentKit}}


Requires two properties:

  • for, the name of the tag
  • contentKit, the contentKit instance from content-kit-editor

Creates a <button> element that has a class of active when the provided section tag is used in the current selection. For example:

{{content-kit-section-button contentKit=contentKit for="h2"}}

Alternatively, custom text for the HTML of the button can be yielded:

{{#content-kit-section-button contentKit=contentKit for="h2"}}
  Headline 2

When clicked, the section tag name will be toggled.


Requires two properties:

  • for, the name of the tag
  • contentKit, the contentKit instance from content-kit-editor

Creates a <button> element that has a class of active when the provided markup tag is used in the current selection. For example:

{{content-kit-markup-button contentKit=contentKit for="em"}}

Alternatively, custom text for the HTML of the button can be yielded:

{{#content-kit-markup-button contentKit=contentKit for="em"}}

When clicked, the markup tag name will be toggled.


Requires one property:

  • contentKit, the contentKit instance from content-kit-editor

Creates a <button> element that has a class of active when the an a tag is used in the current selection. For example:

{{content-kit-link-button contentKit=contentKit}}

Custom text for the HTML of the button can be yielded:

{{#content-kit-link-button contentKit=contentKit}}
  Toggle Link

When clicked, the presence of a link will be toggled. The user will be prompted for a URL if required.


Requires one property:

  • contentKit, the contentKit instance from content-kit-editor

This component creates a full-features toolbar for the Content-Kit editor. For example:

{{#content-kit-editor as |contentKit|}}
  {{content-kit-toolbar contentKit=contentKit}}

Component-based Cards

Mobiledoc supports "cards", blocks of rich content that are embedded into a post. For more details on the API for authoring cards in vanilla JavaScript, see CARDS.md.

ember-content-kit comes with a handle helper for using Ember components as the display and edit modes of a card. Create a list of cards using the createComponentCard helper:

import Ember from 'ember';
import createComponentCard from 'ember-content-kit/utils/create-component-card';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  cards: Ember.computed(function() {
    return [

And pass that list into the {{content-kit-editor}} component:

{{content-kit-editor cards=cards}}

When added to the post (or loaded from a passed-in Mobiledoc), these components will be used:

  • For display, the demo-card component will be called
  • For edit, the demo-card-editor component will be called

The component will be provided with the following attrs:

  • data, the data payload for this card. Note the data is disconnected from the card's payload in the serialized mobiledoc. To update the mobiledoc payload, use the saveCard or mutData actions.
  • editCard, an action for toggling this card into edit mode (this action is a no-op if the card is already in edit mode)
  • removeCard, an action for removing this card (see the "remove" content-kit card action)
  • saveCard, an action accepting new data for the card payload, then saving that data and toggling this card into display mode can optionally be passed an extra false argument to avoid toggling to display mode (see the "save content-kit card action)
  • cancelCard, an action toggling this card to display mode without saving (this action is a no-op if the card is already in display mode) (see the "cancel content-kit card action)
  • cardName the name of this card
  • editor A reference to the content-kit-editor
  • cardSection A reference to this card's cardSection model in the editor's abstract tree. This may be necessary to do programmatic editing (such as moving the card via the postEditor#moveSection API that content-kit-editor provides)

Developing ember-content-kit

To get started:

  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install

Run the development server:

Run tests:

  • ember test
  • ember test --server

Build to dist/:

  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.


  • MIT
  • >= 0.10.0
  • Unknown
  • released 10/20/2015
