
Use eyeglass and node-sass to compile Sass files.
ember-addon sass eyeglass scss css broccoli

ember-cli-eyeglass Build Status

This Ember CLI Addon makes it trivial to compile your sass files with eyeglass support via node-sass.


yarn add ember-cli-eyeglass

Then rename all your .css files so they have the .scss extension.


In your application's ember-cli-build.js the key "eyeglass" can be set to an options object that will be passed to broccoli-eyeglass. For details on the options available, please read the broccoli-eyeglass options documentation.

In addition to the options supported by broccoli-eyeglass, this addon accepts an additional option, embroiderEnabled. You must set this option to true if your app is built using Embroider, or it may fail to build correctly.


// path/to/app/ember-cli-build.js
const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
  eyeglass: {
    // Enable discovery of Sass files to compile.
    // All files not beginning with an underscore will be compiled.
    discover: true,
    // Signals to ember-cli-eyeglass if Embroider is being used with
    // this build. Should be true if using Embroider.
    embroiderEnabled: false,
    // apply other broccoli-eyeglass options here
    // apply node-sass options here
    eyeglass: {
      /* eyeglass options */

Given the following layout:


Will result in:

assets/<app-name>.css containing the compiled output of app/styles/app.scss assets/foo.css containing the compiled output of app/styles/foo.scss

The contents of app/styles/_shared.scss will not be compiled directly but will be available for import. For example, app.scss can have @import "shared"; to include the contents of that file in its output. (Note: files beginning with an underscore are called partials in Sass's documentation.)


To make an ember-addon (both in-repo and from node_modules) behave as an eyeglass module, add "eyeglass-module" to the package.json's "keywords" array and add the relevant config to the "eyeglass" property in package.json. To compile the addon's styles from addon/styles using eyeglass, add ember-cli-eyeglass as a dependency of the addon in question.

ember-addons have two important directories, app and addon:


These assets are only considered for top-level addons, stylesheets in app directories of nested-addons are ignored.

Given the following folder structure:

  • my-addon/app/styles - The non-partial scss files will become independent css files in the built output.
  • my-addon/addon/styles - The non-partial scss files will be compiled and the output merged into your application's vendor.css;

Will result in:

assets/my-addon.css containing the compiled output of my-addon/app/styles/my-addon.scss assets/my-other-file.css containing the compiled output of my-addon/app/styles/my-other-file.scss _a-partial.scss will not be included by default, unless the files in my-app/app/styles/ or my-addon/app/styles import it.


These assets merged namespaced by the current addons name for all addons.

Given the following folder structure:


The contents of my-addon/addon/styles/my-addon.scss will be added to assets/vendor.css. The contents of my-addon/addon/styles/secondary.scss will be added to assets/vendor.css. The contents of my-addon/addon/styles/_shared.scss will only be included if my-addon.scss or secondary.scss explicitly import them.


Engines are enhanced addons, who optionally (if lazy) provide alternative app and vendor output.

// path/to/engine/index.js
const app = new EmberEngine(defaults, {
  eyeglass: {
    discover: true,
    /* broccoli-eyeglass options */
    /* node-sass options */
    eyeglass: {
      /* eyeglass options */

Given the following folder structure:


If this is an eager engine:

The contents of my-engine/app/styles/my-engine.scss will become dist/assets/my-engine.css The contents of my-engine/app/styles/my-other-file.scss will become dist/assets/my-other-file.css The contents of my-engine/app/styles/_shared.scss will only be included if my-engine.scss or my-other-file.scss explicitly import them.

The contents of my-engine/addon/styles/my-addon.scss will be added to dist/assets/vendor.css The contents of my-engine/addon/styles/secondary.scss will be added to dist/assets/vendor.css The contents of my-engine/addon/styles/_shared.scss will only be included if my-addon.scss or secondary.scss explicitly import them.

If this is a lazy engine:

The contents of my-engine/app/styles/my-engine.scss will be ignored The contents of my-engine/app/styles/my-other-file.scss will be ignore The contents of my-engine/app/styles/_shared.scss will be ignored unless imported.

The contents of my-engine/addon/styles/my-addon.scss will be added to dist/engine-dist/my-engine/assets/engine.css The contents of my-engine/addon/styles/secondary.scss will be added to dist/engine-dist/my-engine/assets/engine.css The contents of my-engine/addon/styles/_shared.scss will only be included if my-addon.scss or secondary.scss explicitly import them.


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.


  • Apache-2.0
  • ^6.* || >= 7.*
  • Chris Eppstein
  • released 3/20/2018
