
Notify Firebase of Ember deploys.
ember-addon ember-cli-deploy-plugin


An ember-cli-deploy plugin to update a path in Firebase on activation

**WARNING: This plugin is only compatible with ember-cli-deploy versions >= 0.5.0**

This plugin updates a path in Firebase with the latest version information when the deploy is activated.

Why would I want to do that?

The main use-case is to display a notification to your users when a version changes so they can reload to get changes.

What is an ember-cli-deploy plugin?

A plugin is an addon that can be executed as a part of the ember-cli-deploy pipeline. A plugin will implement one or more of the ember-cli-deploy's pipeline hooks.

For more information on what plugins are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

Quick Start

To get up and running quickly, do the following:

$ ember install ember-cli-deploy-notify-firebase
  • Place the following configuration into config/deploy.js
ENV.firebase {
  app: '<your-firebase-app>',
  token: '<your-firebase-token>'
  • Run the pipeline & activate a deploy
$ ember deploy --activate


$ ember deploy
$ ember activate <version>


Run the following command in your terminal:

ember install ember-cli-deploy-notify-firebase

ember-cli-deploy Hooks Implemented

For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.

  • didActivate

Configuration Options

For detailed information on how configuration of plugins works, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.


The Firebase app to notify, the subdomain in https://.firebaseio.com

Default: null


A security token to authenticate with.

Default: null


The path to update in Firebase.

Default: '/release'


The data to update in Firebase.

By default this will contain the revision key and a timestamp.


  "revision": "<revisionKey>",
  "at": "<timestamp>"

How do I activate a revision?

A user can activate a revision by either:

  • Passing a command line argument to the deploy command:
$ ember deploy --activate=true
  • Running the deploy:activate command:
$ ember deploy:activate <revision-key>
  • Setting the activateOnDeploy flag in deploy.js
ENV.pipeline {
  activateOnDeploy: true


The following properties are expected to be present on the deployment context object:

Running Tests

  • npm test
npm i ember-cli-deploy-notify-firebase


