
Login management without password through emails.


Multi-device passwordless authentication library.

var EmailLogin = require('email-login');
var emailLogin = new EmailLogin({db: './shadow'});'signup', (req, res) => {
  emailLogin.login((err, token, session) => {
    res.setCookie('token', token);  // Unique session identifier (a base64url string)
    emailLogin.proveEmail({token: token, email:}, (err) => {
      // Sent verification email.
});'login', (req, res) => {
  emailLogin.confirmEmail(req.cookie.token, req.token, (err, token, session) => {            // [email protected]
    session.emailVerified()  // true
    if (token) { res.setCookie('token', token); }

server.request((req, res) => {
  emailLogin.authenticate(req.cookie.token, (err, authenticated, session) => {
    // Set the current identity.
    if (authenticated) {
      res.user = {id:};
      if (session.emailVerified()) {  // Or you can refuse auth if you want. =;
    } else { res.write('Authentication failed.'); }

See a more extensive example here:


new EmailLogin(options) returns a login system.

  • options is an object containing:
    • db is either:
      • the path to the shadow directory, that will contain all the token information. It will be created automatically.
      • or a constructor specifying how data should be stored, see src/db.js.
    • mailer is an object that sets up the email system to send emails to users. For extensive information on the options available here, see nodemailer's documentation. To avoid having to fill it in (which can be annoying for certain email providers), there are plugins listed as transports, which return the correct object.
      • block: blocks sending mail. Set to true for testing purposes. This is not for nodemailer.
      • from: email address from which to send emails. This is not for nodemailer.
      • host: the email domain or IP address, such as
      • auth: an object to get authenticated to the host.
    • renewalPeriod is the period in milliseconds between session token creation and it being automatically renewed during authentication for security purposes. Defaults to 0 (no renewal). Note that this is unrelated to the session's lifespan.

The login system has the following methods.

login(function(error, cookieToken, session)) registers a new user's session. Each session can be associated to a device, a browser, etc. simply by storing the cookieToken (a string) in that device / browser. See Session below for more detail.

proveEmail(options, function(error, emailToken)) sends an email to verify that a particular session does belong to the owner of that email address. Here are what the options allow.

  • token: put the cookieToken you obtained from the login function above.
  • email: the email address that the session owner claims to own.
  • subject: a function that returns a String used as the verification email's subject.
  • textMessage: function(emailToken), where you can insert emailToken in a URL you own. When the email owner clicks on that URL, you will extract the emailToken from the URL and call confirmEmail with it.
  • htmlMessage: works just like textMessage, but it supports HTML and will display however email clients display HTML.

We provide defaults for subject, textMessage and htmlMessage, but you really should make your own, distinctive messages. If you want to get going quickly, in order to use our defaults, provide the following fields instead:

  • name: the name of your website or service.
  • confirmUrl: function(emailToken), returns the URL at which you register that the email address does belong to the session. The default for this is something that returns

confirmEmail(cookieToken, emailToken, function(error, cookieToken, session)) should get called from the URL provided to proveEmail(). emailToken should be the token extracted from the URL. Since the URL is probably accessed from the same browser as the user first logged in, it may be sending its identification, which you can pass through cookieToken. If it comes from a different computer or browser, we give that new device a cookieToken in the callback, so that we may recognize it in the future, and we remember that it is connected to the email address.

Unless there is an error, you should set the user's cookieToken to the callback's cookieToken parameter, as it may have changed by this operation.

authenticate(cookieToken, function(error, authenticated, session, newCookieToken)) can be called for every request that require authentication. The browser that sends a cookieToken (a bit of a misnomer, since it doesn't have to be from a cookie) is authenticated in our system. If we recognize it, authenticated is true, and session is sure to be defined. Then, session is the browser's session. Note that it does not mean that the email was verified. Use session.emailVerified() if you want to know. Finally, if newCookieToken is defined, you must set it to store it on the user's device (eg. with the HTTP header Set-Cookie).

logout(cookieToken, function(error)) deletes the Session associated with the cookieToken. It is not strictly needed (you can simply delete the client's cookieToken, for instance), but it ensures that the server doesn't hold data about Sessions that were destroyed.

setAccountData(email, data, function(error)) stores your custom account data in Requires that the email has been verified.

deleteSession(sessionId, function(error)) deletes the Session associated with that identifier. Removing that session prevents the corresponding device from authenticating, effectively logging it out. It can be useful to use (instead of the more convenient logout()) for facilities that log out devices remotely.

deleteAccount(email, function(error)) deletes all Sessions and information associated to an email address.

The Session has the following methods and fields. You should not modify those fields.

  • id is a String containing a unique identifier for that session.
  • email contains the session's claimed email address, which links it to all other sessions from the same email address.
  • emailVerified() returns true if we know the session is linked to the email address.
  • createdAt: Date at which the session was created.
  • lastAuth: (deprecated) Date at which the session last connected to us.
  • hash: identifies the type of one-way function used, as a String.
  • token: hashed random data identifying a session.
  • proofCreatedAt: Date when the proof to verify an email was created.
  • proofHash, proofToken: see hash and token, for the verification token.


The shadow database contains the tokens of all identities. Each device is authenticated independently with a session. (For instance, with a secure httpOnly cookie containing the token.) Identities are determined by an email address. They are linked to all sessions that have confirmed that email address.

Confirmation of an email address happens by sending an email with a link like<email>&token=<base64>. We store the temporary hashed token in the shadow database. Since only the email address has that token, if we receive a correct link, we know it was from the email address' owner.

Session IDs are random 256-bit numbers (more than UUID and IPv6 addresses). Tokens are random 256-bit numbers. They are hashed server-side on disk. To avoid spamming email addresses, discard login attempts for which there was a login request within 5 minutes (so that we send at most 1 email every 5 minutes to each email address).

Technically, this is not a passwordless system, as the cross-device password authentication is provided by the email address provider. Having an email address ensures that we can contact the owner. This system has the following properties:

  • Getting read access to the server's hard drive doesn't give login access, since the tokens are random and hashed.
  • Sessions are identified by unique random 256-bit integers.
  • Identities are identified by their email address, which is also a means to communicate with the corresponding user.
  • A random token can be stored as a secure cookie on the user's computer.
  • A logout resets the token and removes the session, allowing further security if needed.


  • Low barrier to sign-up (no password to remember, no tab switching required for the first log-in — or any log-in, depending on your needs).
  • Can send messages to users by design (we have an email address).
  • Users' security isn't compromised even if the server's hard drive is seized.
  • If storing in a secure httpOnly cookie, the website can support third-party scripts.


  • Do not use this for webmail applications. That would risk infinite recursion in principle, and users being stuck in practice.
  • Requires TLS for every request where the user is logged in (not really a con, that is pretty important for every authentication system).
  • Does not solve the deficiencies of cookies or encrypted client-side storage.


World 1. The laptop clicks on “Log In”. It stores a token A. The laptop is authenticated with it, but the server cannot trust the email.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A
│A ├┼── Mobile
└──┘└── Public computer

World 2, happens after World 1. The laptop confirms the email. The server knows that the email is verified for A. Sending email is enabled.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A:@
│A ├┼── Mobile
└──┘└── Public computer

World 3, happens after World 2. The mobile clicks on “Log In”. It stores a token B. The mobile can be authenticated with it, but is not associated to the email from the laptop.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A:@
│AB├┼── Mobile B
└──┘└── Public computer

World 4, happens after World 3. The mobile confirms the email. The mobile receives the same authentication token.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A:@
│AB├┼── Mobile B:@
└──┘└── Public computer

World 5, happens after World 4. The public computer logs in as C, comfirms the email, logs out from the current computer. That only destroys the local cookie, and the server's associated session.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A:@
│AB├┼── Mobile B:@
└──┘└── Public computer

World 6, happens after World 4. The mobile deletes its account. The server authenticates that logout. It destroys all sessions associated with that email. If the laptop tries to connect, the server resets its cookie.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A:@
│  ├┼── Mobile
└──┘└── Public computer

World 7, happens after World 1. The mobile confirms the email. The confirmation succeeds for the mobile, but the laptop remains untrusted. After all, the laptop could be evil, have logged in, and hoped that the mobile would mindlessly click on the email's link.

┌──┐┌── Laptop A
│AB├┼── Mobile B:@
└──┘└── Public computer
npm i email-login


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0
  • Thaddee Tyl
  • released 12/29/2020

