
Library for connecting to Elophant's API and Riot's League of Legends game data.
elophant api riot league legends summoner team game

Node-Elophant API Library

Library for connecting to Elopant's API and Riot's League of Legends game data.


npm install elophant


Setting up. Second argument is an options object and is optional. The region defaults to na.

var elophant = require("elophant")("SECRET_APIKEY", { region: "na" });

Every one of the Elophant api methods at your fingertips. FYI: elophant.masteryPages() === elophant.mastery_pages().

elophant.masteryPages(22452772, function(err, data) {
    if (err) console.error(err);
    else console.log(data);

Create new Summoner object by the summoner's name. Captures two events: ready when the base info has loaded and error if the object hits an error during load.

var fuo213 = new (elophant.Summoner)("fuo213");

fuo213.on("ready", function() {
    fuo213.leagues(function(err, data) {
        if (err) console.log(err.stack);
        else console.log(data);

fuo213.on("error", function(err) {

Retrieve multiple summoners by summonerId. Option complex: true will force the callback to return an array Summoner objects instead of an array of summoner names. You can use the complex option on the method api.summoner() in the same manner.

elophant.summonerNames([ 22452772, 22519058 ], { complex: true }, function(err, summoners) {
    summoners.forEach(function(summoner) {

Create a new Team object, similar to Summoner. The option tagOrName tells the constructor that the first argument is a tag or name of a team and not an ID.

var willbus = new (elophant.Team)("nayy", { tagOrName: true });

willbus.on("ready", function() {
    willbus.rankedStats(function(err, data) {
        console.log(err, data);

willbus.on("error", function(err) {

All together now. Get Summoner and then get the first Team and get that team's ranked stats.

var fuo213 = new (elophant.Summoner)("fuo213");

fuo213.on("ready", function() {
    fuo213.summonerTeamInfo(true, function(err, teams) {
        if (err) console.log(err.stack);
        else teams[0].rankedStats(function(err, data) {
            if (err) console.log(err.stack);
            else console.log(data);

fuo213.on("error", function(err) {

Custom API call because why not.

var url = elophant.buildURL("na", "SECRET_APIKEY", "summoner", "fuo213");

elophant.callAPI(url, function(err, data) {
    if (err) console.error(err);
    else console.log(data);

API Documentation

Basic Elophant API

The following methods are standardized to Elophant's API. You can call these methods by their traditional name (ie rune_pages) or by the better formatted name (ie runePages). All callbacks take two arguments, error and data, where data is the parsed Elophant data. options is an optional Javascript object.


  • region : Uses this region for the call instead of the original one passed.
  • apikey : Uses this apikey for the call instead of the original one passed.
  • complex: Only available on a few methods. Essentially forces the callback to create either Summoner or Team objects on return


Summoner Class

The Summoner class is convienent way to deal with summoner data. The constructor makes one API call to retrieve basic data (like summonerId) and then uses that to make additional calls. The base class is attached as elophant.Summoner. See the examples for proper usage.

new (elophant.Summoner)(name | summonerId | data [, options ] );


  • cache, Default: true : Cache results on subsequent call. Prevents too many api calls from being made.
  • region : Uses this region for the call instead of the original one passed.
  • apikey : Uses this apikey for the call instead of the original one passed.


  • masteryPages([ callback ])
  • runePages([ callback ])
  • recentGames([ callback ])
  • leagues([ callback ])
  • summonerTeamInfo([ complex ] [, callback ]) : Set complex to true for Team objects instead of basic objects.
  • inProgressGameInfo([ callback ])
  • rankedStats([ season ] [, callback ])

Team Class

The Team class is convienent way to deal with team data. The constructor makes one API call to retrieve basic data (like teamId) and then uses that to make additional calls. The base class is attached as Team. See the examples for proper usage.

new (elophant.Team)(teamId | tagOrName | data [, options ] );


  • tagOrName, Default: false : Tells the contructor that the first argument passed is a team tag or name and not a teamId.
  • cache, Default: true : Cache results on subsequent call. Prevents too many api calls from being made.
  • region : Uses this region for the call instead of the original one passed.
  • apikey : Uses this apikey for the call instead of the original one passed.


  • endOfGameStats(gameId, [ callback ])
  • rankedStats([ callback ]) : Team ranked stats (not summoner ranked stats)

Other Methods

These are some additional methods, attached directly to elophant, to help out with API calls.

  • buildURL(region, apikey [, args... ]) : Build an API URL from the region, apikey and the rest of the parameters. Pass null for any of the arguments to leave out.
  • callAPI(url, callback) : Make an API call and parse response JSON for data or error.
npm i elophant


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Tyler Johnson
  • released 3/8/2013

