
Simple key-value storage for electron
electron atom settings options storage key-value window state


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Just a very easy solution for storing settings for an electron application.

Key features

  • Settings observer
  • Built-in helper for saving and restoring window state
  • No dependencies


Install with npm:

npm install --save electron-cfg


const config = require('electron-cfg');

const downloadsPath = config.get('downloads.path', process.cwd());

config.observe('album', (current, old) => {
  console.log(`Previous: ${old.name}, current: ${current.name}`);

config.set('album', { name, photos: photos.length });


create(filePath, logger = null)

Create a new config instance with different file path.

get(key, defaultValue = null): any

Returns a value associated with the key.

Param Type Description
key string Key name, use dot in key to return nested value of some object
defaultValue? any Return this values instead if key not found

set(key, value): electron-cfg

Sets a value.

has(key): boolean

Is key exists in the config.

delete(key): electron-cfg

Removes values associated with the key.

getAll(): Object

Gets the root object of the config

setAll(data): ElectronCfg

Sets the root object of the config

file(filePath = null): string

Gets / Sets config's file path. If relative, it uses app.getPath('userData') to resolve the full path.

observe(key, handler): electron-cfg

Attaches a handler on keyName property changes. Changes are observable only in the same process.

Param Type Description
key string Key name
handler (newValue, oldValue, key) => void Observer

purge(): electron-cfg

Removes all data from config

logger(logger = console)

Gets / Sets a logger (object with error, warn and debug methods)

window(options?): WindowManager

Allow to save/restore window size and position. See next section for details

Param Type Description
options = { object
-- name: 'main' string Useful when store settings of multiple windows
-- saveFullscreen: true boolean Whether to restore fullscreen state
-- saveMaximize: true boolean Whether to restore maximized state

resolveUserDataPath(filePath, appName?)

Return file path relative to userData directory, similar to

path.join(app.getPath('userData'), filePath)

If appName is set, electron-cfg uses its own code to find userData directory for appName without calling app.getPath. Can be helpful in dev environment when app.getPath('userData') resolves an incorrect path.

Save/restore window state

const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron');
const cfg = require('electron-cfg');

function createWindow() {
  const winCfg = cfg.window();
  const window = new BrowserWindow({
    width: 800,  // default, optional
    height: 600, // default, optional
  return window;

or it can be simplified using the create shortcut:

const cfg = require('electron-cfg');

function createWindow() {
  return cfg.window().create({ width: 800, height: 600 });


  • Don't set useContentSize to true at creating BrowserWindow instance because it changes how to calculate window size.
  • Don't call cfg.window() before the ready event is fired.

WindowManager methods

  • create(options): BrowserWindow - shortcut (see example above)
  • assign(window: BrowserWindow) - start handling size/position change
  • options(): Rectangle | object - get options for BrowserWindow constructor
  • unassign() - stop handling size/position change

Related project

Here is a few alternatives which you can try:

A lot of code of Saving/restoring window state is based on electron-window-state


Licensed under MIT.


  • MIT
  • >=8.0
  • Alexey Prokhorov
  • released 1/22/2019

