
cancancan like authorization plugin for Egg.js
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Cancancan like authorization plugin for Egg.js

This plugin is our best practice from we developing

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$ npm i egg-cancan --save


// {app_root}/config/plugin.js
exports.cancan = {
  enable: true,
  package: 'egg-cancan',


// {app_root}/config/config.default.js
exports.cancan = {
// method name of current logined user instance
  contextUserMethod: 'user',
  // Enable disable Ability check result cache
  cache: false,
  // Enable log authorize check result
  log: false,

Defining Abilities

You must create app/ability.js file

The Ability class is where all user permissions are defined. An example class looks like this.

'use strict';

const { BaseAbility } = require('egg-cancan');

class Ability extends BaseAbility {
  constructor(ctx, user) {
    super(ctx, user)

  async rules(action, obj, options = {}) {
    const { type } = options;

    if (type === 'topic') {
      if (action === 'update') {
        return await this.canUpdateTopic(obj);

      if (action === 'delete') {
        return await this.canDeleteTopic(obj);

    return true;

  async canUpdateTopic(obj) {
    if (topic.user_id === this.user_id) return true;
    return false;

  async canDeleteTopic(obj) {
    if (this.user.admin) return true;
    return false;

Action alias

Action Alias
read show, read
update edit, update
create new, create
delete destroy, delete

Cache check result in same Context

Ability support cache Ability check result in ctx, you can enable it by change config/config.default.js

exports.cancan = {
  // defalut is disabled
  cache: true,

When you enable that, you call can method will hit cache:

ctx.can('read', user);
- check cache in ability._cache
    found -> return
  not exist ->
    execute `rules` to real check
    write to _cache

Its use action + obj + options stringify as default cache key:

ability.cacheKey('read', { id: 1 }, { type: 'user' });
=> 'read-{id:1}-{type:"user"}'

You can rewrite it by override the cacheKey method, for example:

class Ability extends BaseAbility {
  cacheKey(action, obj, options) {
    return [action, obj.cacheKey, options.type].join(':');

Check Abilities

The ctx.can method:

can = await ctx.can('create', topic, { type: 'topic' });
can = await ctx.can('read', topic, { type: 'topic' });
can = await ctx.can('update', topic, { type: 'topic' });
can = await ctx.can('delete', topic, { type: 'topic' });

can = await ctx.can('update', user, { type: 'user' });

// For egg-sequelize model instance, not need pass `:type` option
const topic = await ctx.model.Topic.findById(...);
can = await ctx.can('update', topic);

The ctx.authorize method:

await ctx.authorize('read', topic);
// when permission is ok, not happend
// when no permission, will throw CanCanAccessDenied

Handle Unauthorized Access

If the ctx.authorize check fails, a CanCanAccessDenied error will be throw. You can catch this and modify its behavior:

Add new file: app/middleware/handle_authorize.js

module.exports = () => {
  return async handleAuthorize(next) {
    try {
      await next();
    } catch (e) {
      if ( === 'CanCanAccessDenied') {
        this.status = 403;
        this.body = 'Access Denied';
      } else {
        throw e;

And enable this middleware by modify config/config.default.js:

exports.middleware = [

Testing your abilities

When you wrote app/ability.js, you may need to write test case.

  • egg-sequelize
  • factory-girl-sequelize

Create a test file: test/ability.test.js

'use strict';

describe('Ability', () => {
  let allow, user, ability, anonymousAbility;

  beforeAll(async () => {
    user = await create('user');
    ability = new app.Ability(ctx, user);

  describe('Topic', () => {
    describe('Anonymous', () => {
      it('should work', async () => {
        const topic = await create('topic');
        allow = await ability.can('create', topic);
        assert.equal(true, allow);
        allow = await ability.can('read', topic);
        assert.equal(true, allow);
        allow = await ability.can('update', topic);
        assert.equal(false, allow);
        allow = await ability.can('destroy', topic);
        assert.equal(false, allow);

    describe('Author', () => {
      it('should work', async () => {
        const topic = await create('topic', { user_id: });
        allow = await ability.can('create', topic);
        assert.equal(true, allow);
        allow = await ability.can('read', topic);
        assert.equal(true, allow);
        allow = await ability.can('update', topic);
        assert.equal(true, allow);
        allow = await ability.can('destroy', topic);
        assert.equal(true, allow);




  • MIT
  • >=8.0.0
  • Jason Lee
  • released 5/30/2018

