
Edge account & wallet management library
bitcoin blockchain ethereum key management security

Edge Core

This library implements the Edge login system. It runs inside a client application, and provides zero-knowledge backup for cryptographic keys and other secrets via a familiar password-based login system.

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide code style: prettier


We have documentation at https://developer.airbitz.co/javascript/, but our Flow types are the best, most up-to-date reference for what this library contains.

Account Management UI

To quickly get up and running with the UI for account creation, login, and management, use edge-login-ui-web for the web or edge-login-ui-rn for React Native.


Add this library to your project using npm install --save edge-core-js.

Node.js & Browsers

To create an EdgeContext object, which provides various methods for logging in and creating account, do something like this:

const context = await makeEdgeContext({
  apiKey: '...', // Get this from our support team
  appId: 'com.your-app',
  plugins: {
    // Configure currencies, exchange rates, and swap providers you want to use:
    'bitcoin': true

The core uses various plugins to provide its currency, exchange rate, and swap features. These plugins ship separately, and are designed to load in parallel with the core:

import { addEdgeCorePlugins, lockEdgeCorePlugins } from 'edge-core-js'
import exchangePlugins from 'edge-exchange-plugins'
import bitcoinPlugins from 'edge-currency-bitcoin'
import currencyPlugins from 'edge-currency-accountbased'


If the core seems to hang forever when logging in, you probably forgot to call lockEdgeCorePlugins.

Please note that edge-core-js uses modern JavaScript syntax features such as async, so you may need to run the library through Babel if you plan to run it in a browser. Node 10+ supports these features natively.

React Native

Edge-core-js directly supports React Native v0.60+ with autolinking. Simply add edge-core-js to your application, and React Native will link the necessary native modules & assets.

To create an EdgeContext object, you need to mount a component:

  // Get this from our support team:

  // Configure currencies and swap providers you want to use:
    'bitcoin': true

  // Called when the core is done loading:
  onLoad={edgeContext => {}}
  onError={error => {}}

The core itself runs inside a hidden WebView, which this MakeEdgeContext component mounts & manages.

The core creates a <script> tag for each source file in the pluginUris array. For this to work, you need to add these plugin files to your app's native asset bundle, which is located at /android/app/src/main/assets/ on Android. For iOS, drag these files into the "Resources" section of your Xcode project.

To debug the core, run yarn start inside the edge-core-js project, and then pass a debug={true} property to the MakeEdgeContext component. This tells the WebView to load the core from a local development server.


Run yarn to download dependencies, and then run yarn prepare to build the library.

Use yarn verify to run all our code-quality tools. All sources are in the JavaScript Standard Style + Prettier. We check files prior to each commit, so if you have formatting issues, you can run yarn fix to fix them automatically.

If you use Visual Studio Code, consider installing the ESLint extension. This will give you nice error highlighting as you work, along with quick fixes for formatting issues.

npm i edge-core-js

