
A node-JS version of the English Chess Federation (ECF) grading database. Works by scraping the webpages generated (so you don't have to!), until such time they choose to build a proper API.
ecf chess grading npm database query

ECF Query Database

Scrapes the ECF Grading Database for results
Returns a promise (that needs to be awaited or .then-ed) to user data. Comes with typescript support.



  • npm install ecf (includes its own index.d.ts file)
const ECF = require('ecf');


ECF.endpointName(queryParam, parse?)
  • Call any endpoint in this package by simply appending it to the package name as a method.
  • Each endpoint takes a query parameter, be it an ID, a search parameter, or a name. Use it as the first argument to the function.
  • Each endpoint takes a 'parse' Boolean as the second parameter. The library supports parsing the grabbed data from the ECF website into a nice, human-readable, format (which can be understood by trying each one). Set parse as true (default) to use this mode, otherwise set as false to just get the raw table rows.


  1. ECF.profile()

    • Gets a user's profile by ID
    • For a known user with a specific ECF ID, a user's data can be generated by:
    const ECF = require('ecf');
    (async () => {
        console.log(await ECF.profile('170263E'));
        //returns Gawain Jones' ECF profile as an object

    • Gets a user's profile using a club ID
    const ECF = require('ecf');
    (async () => {
        console.log(await ECF.profile('1100'));
        //returns users from the Oxford University Chess Club
  3. ECF.searchUsers()

    • Generates a list of possible users matching a search query.
    • List is in array form, with each element being a matching user.
    • Takes a query parameter of a string (name) or an 'AdvancedSearch' parameter - an object with possible fields 'firstName', 'lastName', 'middleName', 'id', 'isMember', 'sex', 'club'
    const ECF = require('ecf');
    (async () => {
        console.log(await ECF.searchUsers('jones'));
        //returns a list of users with the surname Jones
        console.log(await ECF.searchUsers('jones, gawain'));
        //returns a list of users with the surname Jones and first letter 'G'
        console.log(await ECF.searchUsers({
            firstName: 'Gawain',
            lastName: 'Jones'
        //returns a list of users with the surname Jones and first letter 'G'
  4. ECF.searchClubs()

    • Generates a list of clubs across the country which have a name beginning with the specified query string
    • Takes a single string argument
    const ECF = require('ecf');
    (async () => {
        console.log(await ECF.searchClubs('oxford'));
        //returns a list of clubs with 'oxford' in their name

    • Generates a list of both users and clubs matching a query parameter
    • Takes a single string argument
    • Returns an object with 'Users' and 'Clubs' properties
    const ECF = require('ecf');
    (async () => {
        console.log(await ECF.searchClubs('oxford'));


  • Find a specific user
    (async () => {
        let result = await ecf.searchUsers(arguments[0], true);
        let entry = rest.find(v => v.firstName === 'Gawain');
        console.log(JSON.stringify(entry, null, 4));
        "id": "170263E",
        "member": "GOLD",
        "name": "Jones, Gawain CB",
        "lastName": "Jones",
        "firstName": "Gawain",
        "middleName": "CB",
        "club": "4NCL Guildford",
        "standard": 275,
        "previous": null,
        "rapidplay": 277


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • theLAZYmd
  • released 4/22/2020

