
A Proxy handler maker that drastically simplifies making and using Harmony Proxies by combining traps and normalizing their arguments.
proxy harmony handler meta object library language es6

Easy Proxy

Shims in Direct-Proxies and then builds a simplified handler on top of that. The traps are abstracted down into a smaller set of traps with normalized parameters and simple to use forwarding.

npm install easy-proxy


var EasyProxy = require('easy-proxy');

var proxied = EasyProxy(target, {
  list:   function(reflect, target, type, own, hidden)              { return reflect() },
  has:    function(reflect, target, name, own)                      { return reflect() },
  get:    function(reflect, target, name, own, receiver, normalize) { return reflect() },
  set:    function(reflect, target, name, val, receiver, normalize) { return reflect() },
  unset:  function(reflect, target, name)                           { return reflect() },
  fix:    function(reflect, target, type)                           { return reflect() },
  invoke: function(reflect, target, type, args, receiver)           { return reflect() },


Any traps not provided in the handler will default to reflecting normally onto the target.


The first parameter is always a function that when called with no arguments will execute the default forwarding action. This allows for easy interception and modification. It also accepts a single object passed that specified overrides on the default action.

  • trap: Direct Proxies traps name name to execute instead of the default
  • target: Redirect the action to another target
  • name: Change the name that actual is executed again for traps that are for specific properties
  • value: Change the value for set
  • receiver: Change the receiver for get, set, and invoke
// redirect all set operations to global instead;
var redirected = EasyProxy({}, {
  set: function(reflect){
    return reflect({ target: global });


For get and set, normalize is a function provided as the last parameter. Its pupose is normalize the difference between a descriptor and normal value since these traps are set+defineProperty and get+getOwnPropertyDescriptor.

var typeofWrap = EasyProxy(global, {
  get: function(reflect, target, name, own, receiver, normalize){
    return normalize(typeof target[name]);
npm i easy-proxy


  • Unknown
  • >=0.7
  • Brandon Benvie
  • released 4/8/2012

