
Serialize and deserialize any JS objects to JSON
dump serialize deserialize json mobx


Based on ekazakov's dumpjs

Sometimes you need serialize your objects to JSON and deserialize them back again. But JSON stringify/parse is not enough, because you need support circular links and restore custom object.

Dumpjs allow easily serialize to JSON and restore any object.

Main points:

  • It handle circular links
  • Preserve object identities
  • Works with any level of nesting objects
  • Support ES6 Map and Set
  • Support custom serialization/deserialization handlers

It use ES6 collections internally and need polyfill in old browsers.


D.dump(target[,options]) -> JSON


Plain object or array which need to be serialized.


options.serializer(key, value) — custom serialization function

  • If function returns undefined, then property will be ignored. Any other returned value will be serialized. If function returns null, then property will be serialized as null (JSON.stringify converts undefined to null).
  • Memorizes received value and invocation result. For the same value always return the same result.

D.restore(source[,options]) -> Object|Array


Valid JSON for deserialization


options.deserializer(key, value) – custom deserialization

  • Memorizes received value and invocation result. For the same value always return the same result.

options.postDeserializer(item, visited, deserializer) – custom post deserialization

  • Define custom logic to further deserialize deserialized item. More items generated at this post deserialization phase should be pushed to visited Set for further processing, which will feed into postDeserializer again. deserializer is the same process used in deserialization phase of given item. When an explicit false is returned, default post deserializers will be used


Circular links

var obj = {x: 1, y: {h: 'hello'}};
obj.y.o = obj;

// TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

var D = require('dumpjs');
// {
//   "@0": {
//     "x": 1, "y": "@1"
//   },
//   "@1": {
//     "h": "hello", "o": "@0"
//   }
// }

Dumpjs creates IDs for every object and use them as references.

Preserve identities

var obj2 = {x: 1, y: 2};
var obj3 = [obj2, obj2];
var restored = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj3));
restored[0] === restored[1]; // false

JSON.parse create completly different objects.

var restored = D.restore(D.dump(obj3));
restored[0] === restored[1]; // true


npm install --save dumpjs

Works in node and browser.

npm i dumpenvy


  • MIT
  • >= 7.2.1
  • Unknown
  • released 7/16/2018
