
Command line utility to emit TypeScript type declaration files for JSON files
json typescript declaration type definition d.ts


Command line utility to emit TypeScript type declaration files for JSON files powered by

Installation and usage

npm install -g dts-from-json
dts-from-json <json-file>

You can pass a local path or URL as <json-file>.

Save to a file

The types are printed in stdout, to save to a file simply pipe to output to a file:

dts-from-json <json-file> > <dts-dir>


dts-from-json demo/json/senators.json
dts-from-json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Biuni/PokemonGO-Pokedex/master/pokedex.json
dts-from-json demo/json/senators.json > demo/types/senators.d.ts 
dts-from-json demo/json/senators.json --root Senators
dts-from-json ./demo/json/senators.json --root Senators --types true

Usage via npx

npx dts-from-json <json-file>

Customize the root type

The default root type is the CamelCase version of the json file name. For example, if your file is called nobe-prize.d.ts the root type will be NobelPrice by default.

$ dts-from-json <json-file> --root Senators

Use type instead of interface

 $ dts-from-json <json-file> --types

Known limitations

  • Using json properties with names that have collisions with other types will cause issues. For example, if you have json that looks like:
    "meta": {
        // ...
    "objects": [
        // ...

It will be translated into:

interface Meta {
    // ...

interface Object { // <-- Collision with Object type
    // ...

interface RootObject {
  meta: Meta;
  objects: Object[];

This will lead to problems with the already defined Object type.

npm i dts-from-json


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Remo H. Jansen
  • released 7/18/2024

