
A small PubSub library under the PS constructor function.
Pubsub Mediator Publish Subscribe Loose coupling


##Browser Usage Minified and unminified versions in the dist folder.

    <script src="pubsub.min.js"></script>
        var ps = new PS();

##Node.js Usage

    npm install dtang-pubsub

Link to NPM page: https://npmjs.org/package/dtang-pubsub

    var Evt = require('pubsub');
    var ps = new Evt.PS();

##Public Methods

####publish(topic, [data])

  • topic (string) - your custom event name
  • data (mixed) optional argument for any data that you would like to be passed with a publication and used in subscriptions.

####subscribe(topic, callback, [context])

  • topic (string) - your custom event name
  • callback (function) - function invoked when topic is published
  • context (object) - optional argument for what this will refer to within the callback function. By default, this will point to the current PS instance
  • returns a subscription ID to potentially be used in unsubscribing


  • subscriptionID (int) - returned from the subscribe method


    var ps = new PS();

    var s1 = ps.subscribe('test-topic', function(data) {
        console.log(this, data);

    // 3rd argument will be the context used for the 2nd argument
    var s2 = ps.subscribe('test-topic', function(data) {
        console.log(this, data);
    }, {
        name: 'David',
        age: 27

    ps.publish('test-topic', 'some data');

    ps.unsubscribe(s1); // unsubscribes s1
npm i dtang-pubsub


  • BSD
  • Whatever
  • David Tang
  • released 2/6/2013

